Chapter 2

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*****Detective Jones above

After she damaged all my shit, she took my daughter and left. A few days later Gabbie came and instead of the hotel she came to my house.

Why would you bring her to the house right after Brandie your baby mama leaves; what if she came back, wouldn't that start more trouble?

I mean yeah, it would have caused more stress and drama, but I wasn't worried about it to be honest.

It seems as if you like the drama and chaos Troy and it seems to just keep following you. You keep putting yourself in these situations and its just not adding up to me. Most people would want to stay out of the mess, but you(chuckling) keeps diving right on it head first.

Listen I know I was out of pocket and messy, but like I said in the beginning I knew it was wrong. I knew I should have handled things differently, but I didn't and this is what happened. Brandie and I had our good moments, but things just wasn't right for us. She knew and that's why she cheated too, with the dude downstairs from us!

Woah, ok so when did this happen, you never mentioned she cheated on you?!?

I never said it because I never caught her, I was told about it from my daughter. Some weeks later my daughter came to me and asked if she can go downstairs. I was confused and at the time she was 3 years old, so she had to do all this while I was at work and I doubt a 3 year old is gonna lie about that.

You telling me that when you found out you did nothing? You didn't flip out, curse her out, or come at her in any way?

No, no I didn't cause I didn't care anymore, we were done, so what she did didn't matter to me.

Okay so take me to when Gabbie got there to your home to visit.

Gabbie got here maybe a week or two later. When she got there the house was a bit of a mess from Brandie and some of her things was still there. Gabbie actually cleaned it up, she put all Brandie's stuff in a bag. In the mist of her cleaning she came across a pill bottle with Brandie's name on it. So we looked it up to see what it was for, and I instantly got pissed....

Lets paused for a second, why would you let Gabbie clean up your mess and then research what the pills was for?

When everything went down with me and Brandie, I left the house and went to my dad's house. I really didn't want to deal with the mess which was Brandie, so I just avoided the house and just went to work and my dad's. Now as far as the pills(shaking his head) I wasn't expecting to find out that it was for something serious!

And what was the pills for?

They were antibiotics for an STD. When I read that description I saw red, I wanted to strangle the piss out of her!

How did Gabbie feel about it?

She was pissed too, like how do you not tell someone you are living with and having unprotected sex with, that you have an STD?!? Their is no telling how long she had it and if I even got it. Like I dawged the fuck outta her to Gabbie, she was everything but a child of God. I mean she could have eaten shit and died and I wouldn't have cared, that's how little she meant to me at that point.

That's kind of harsh for you to say about the mother of your kid, don't you think. Like I get she should have told you but wow(shaking her head and blinking fast)

Yeah it was harsh but how would you feel if the person you having sex with has something for I don't know how long and doesn't tell you. I don't know not one sane person who wouldn't have flipped the fuck out like I did.

I hear you though I don't agree with what you and Gabbie did by calling her out, did you go get checked to see if you were clean?

(inhaling deep) I did go get checked and it came back positive, that I did have an STD. I got my script and I'm good now, Gabbie was with me the whole way and she didn't judge me or walk away.

I'm surprised she stayed to say the least, most people would have walked away from the drama. Especially in the beginning of the relationship, but it seems she encouraged your behavior and kept it going.

She was different, even though it was a lot she stuck by me and held me down, no questions asked. I wouldn't say she encouraged it, at the time she was just having my back is what I thought.

Some would think their is a motive behind her "holding" you down. What did you think about all of her lack of questions she had for you in regards to this mess?

I mean what do you call a woman who doesn't judge you for your past, and actually goes through the mud with you, other then loyal?

I would think suspect!..........

******This is the end of chapter 2, we have some ways to go and it will only get better.

******Please vote for me and follow my page, to stay updated with the story.

****Be on the look out for my next project- It could happen to you....I will be posting that once I at least get some ways in this story.

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