Lets Get It Together

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Troy is standing in the same spot from when detective Jones left him. It seems like the more he sits and thinks, the more he gets mad and feels trapped.

***Det. Jones******

Look Troy all I want to do is to get to the bottom of this. The more you lie to me the more it seems as if you have something to do with it.

I had nothing to do with anything, Gabbie did what she did on her own. When she came home with money, she would tell me it's from tips. She never came home with outrageous amounts of money.

Okay so say you didn't.....

So I say?!? No! it's a fact I didn't have nothing to do with whatever she had going on. All I know is she called me and told me that the guy tried to rape her. I told her to call the police and then I heard people in the background saying no don't call.

Troy, do you know how that sounds that people would stop a victim from calling the police?

Listen you can believe what you want, cause you obvisouly already have it in your mind that I got something to do with it. We can move on now cause we going to run in circles.

****The detective looks at Troy, thinking to herself this guy has got to be kidding her.*****

You right we are getting no where so we can move on.

(Throwing his hands up) Great, now what else do you want to know?

Who do you think has a biggest grudge against your wife?

(laughing out loud) That is a dumb ass question, everyone has something against her. No one likes her....I mean no one. I feel like at some point when you feel threatened by someone it's only so much you can take. Everyone has their limits and I believe they have reached it.

So she is liked by no one....seriously?

Like I said everyone has a limit....But to be honest I don't think anything has happened to her, she is playing one of her little games to get my attention.

I'm lost? Your wife has been missing for the past week and you think she is playing a game?

Yes, I do believe she is playing a game. She got into it with my sister Aquasia and whatever happened in those text lead to this.

How did they get into with each other over you?

It started when we was visiting my family, and we had let them know what was going on with the kids. My son and daughter was having a breakdown and they have been seeing a therapist. In the mist of us talking about the kids .....Gabbie and I was also getting into with each other so it wasn't making anything better.

****Taking a deep breath Troy continues.*****

We have always been back and forth with each other, but lately it has gotten worse.

Back and forth meaning what exactly?

Me and Gabbie have a strange marriage, somedays I want to walk away from her because all the drama she has going on. Some days are good and we be in a good place.

Okay I get it.

My mom and Gabbie can have conversations and my mom would tell her what she is supposed to be doing as a wife and a mother. She would be okay with it and she may take the advice and apply, but after a while it's back to square one and we head butting again.

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