It's Starting To Come together

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The detective figured she would give Aquasia some time to cool off, as it seems like a very touchy subject when it come to Gabbie. I'm not a parent so I can only imagine how she feels knowing that someone did something to their child. Which gives Aquasia motive to maybe apart of Gabbie being missing.

Hi Aquasia, I wanted to give you a few minutes to compose yourself. So I just have a few more questions to ask you.

I'm okay, so ask your questions.

Gabbie has been missing for some time now, and it seems that your anger towards her has me a little worried.....

Look I feel like you are beating around the bush, so I'll make it simple for you. The day that Gabbie supposedly went missing I was at home with my kids and my mom. I was there all night so I have an air tight alibi.

Thank you, I will look into that.

Do you have anymore questions for me?

I have one more actually....when all this went down where was Troy?

(Laughing and shaking her head) Troy was in a room that my mom paid for so he can go to work. So she was thinking that we had so much control over him that he was literally down the street from her and she didn't know it.

Why was he in a room?

Gabbie was threatening to have a restraining order put out on him, its all in the text I gave you. See the thing about Gabbie is that she contradicts herself a lot. One minute I dont want him and I'm filing papers and then he next....we should have sent him home to his "real family." They have this back and forth type of situation, and she loves to drag other people in the mix. She likes to get to people before anyone else does, and the crazy thing about it is that no one is running around town telling their business but her.

Who all is she bringing in?

She has brought in his aunts, his under age cousins, and his grandmother. The thing is that grandma is not hearing her at all. Grandma had a little sit down with her and Troy some time back about what she is and is not doing.

What do you mean?

Grandma sat them down and told Gabbie about herself, about how she does nothing for those kids and her husband. Gabbie does not cook, clean, or wash clothes for those kids. Grandma was tired of it cause she had to do it otherwise those kids wouldn't have. When all was said and done Gabbie felt like someone was attacking her so she convienced Troy to move out of Grandma house and to somewhere else. But that somewhere else was the car. They had those kids sleeping in a car for a week because of her. When I found out about that I was pissed that my dumb ass brother would allow her to sucker him in to some foolishness.

Okay I think I have enough from you for now, you may leave but I will be in contact if I have further questions.

Det. Jones and Aquasia shakes hands and she was allowed to leave. The det. is getting so much information that is damning and upsetting. How can this one person cause so much turmoil within such a short period of time. She has Troy who doesn't seem to be worried that his wife is missing. We have family memebers who look nice to the disappearance but all have air tight alibi's. So what is she missing that she is not seeing.

******Back to Troy*****

******Back to Troy*****

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