Back At It Again

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So you found out that you're going to be a daddy?

Yea and when I found out, of course I was happy, but in the back of my head something just wasn't right.


I felt like she was acting strange, like I was around when my sisters was pregnant with their kids, but Gabbie she was different. 

You do know that not every woman carries their child the same?

Yeah I know that, but it just didn't sit right with me. So I just let it play out and see where it took me. 

Why would you think something is off?

She was doing little things that just didn't seem right for a pregnant person to do. Like she would lay flat on her stomach all day, then she would lay flat on her back, like at one point she would lay in the bed flat and its like she would litterally disappear in bed...

How would she disappear in the bed?

Like you couldn't tell she was in it, you could walk in the room and not even see her!!

That sounds highly impossible and if it is true then you may wanna start praying for yourself.
So what else happened?

As it would get close to a time where she would be showing, I get a call from her saying she had a miscarriage, when I tried to come to her to the hospital, she tells me no and that she's already home; her friend brought her home.

Did she tell you what happened or how it happened. 

She said that she lost the babies due to her ovarian cancer. Like I knew nothing about it until that moment. I always thought that you can't have kids with ovarian cancer, but I guess I was wrong. So now Im like really confused, it's crazy that I was having these thoughts in my head in the beginning of our marriage, but I just coudn't shake it. 

Did you see her take any pills, or did she come home with any discharge papers?

No, nothing of the sort, she was just home.

You didn't find that to be the least bit curious, but then what happened?

My family had their thoughts, the same as mine but then more drama came about, and that clouded the whole not being pregnant ovarian cancer bit. We had to move in with my mom cause I lost my job and then our place. When we got there, oh my god was it a mess. 

How so?

Well for one Gabbie and I was always arguing, and then it was all three of us arguing...

All three, what do you mean all three?

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