What the What?!?

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I get that you didn't want them to ruin your day but whose idea was it to keep it between you two?

It was mine, I didn't want no one to mess this up for me, like my family is crazy and I felt like they would ruin it for me.

So when they found out what did they say?

They gave me this wack ass congrats and how they felt about not being invited to the wedding, like I get it dont't get me wrong; I just wanted to be happy for this day, this one day that is all about me.

Now that you have married Gabbie, what happened next?

So in the mist of us being married somethings started to pop up...

Things like what?

Well for one her warrant came up, a child came to live with us and as you may have guessed more drama too.

Yes I did see that she had a warrant for prositution and solititation, did you know about her past?

I knew she had a past and she did tell me a little bit about it, but because I loved her I didn't care about that, she was with me and she didn't act that way at all.

Now you stated that a child came to live with you, was it your daughter?

No, it wasn't my daughter but it was her son...

Okay, lets take a breather here, in all this commotion she has a son?

She actually has fours sons altogether.

Where were these kids in this situation?

She doesn't have custody of her kids, they were taken from her as the claim was she was an unfit parent.

So how did her son end up living with you all?

As far as I know that child wasn't taken from her in the courts he was just living with family for a while.

How was she an unfit parent if she has several businesses she is running, please help me understand how that she can do all this and have a warrant for her arrest?

To be honest with you I never really questioned her, I took her for her word. I wanted to trust that everything she told was true.

So she is running businesses, traveling, now living with you in another state and she has 4 kids and supposedly has custody of only one child? something isn't adding up right, how are you not seeing this?

Like I said i was trying to take her for her word. When my family found out that her son was living with us they had the same questions about her other kids. Why she didn't have the others? Why she decided to take him? Am I sure she didn't kidnap him? Just a bunch of stuff I really wasn't ready to deal with?

Do you think she kidnapped him and because he was with family they didn't report it?

I honestly don't know, from what I know of her family they are not too keen about her or her kids. Her mom was supposed to be this big bad ass drug dealer out of Hiawaii, but if you met her you would think otherwise.

So moms a "dealer" and the daughter is a business owner to several businesses, is what you are telling me?

Yes, yes that is what I'm telling you, that was the information I was given.

Now that you all are married, was she still running her businesses?

For a little while yes she was still running her shops, but then it started to trickle down to where she was home more for weeks at a time; until finally she told me she didn't have the business no more.

How did she just all of sudden didn't have the businesses no more?

So she broke it down to me as she was an operations manager for a boutique, so she never had her own shop at no point.

Now that she has no shop, her son is living with you all, what is she doing all day?

At this point she is doing nothing, she is i guess you can say homeschooling our son, she would get little books from the store and have him do it and what not, nothing too big.

So let me get this straight your "boss" of a wife who you left Brandie for is now sitting at home with "your" son, who by the way should be in school, but that is another situation. She is now doing nothing.(slicing her hand in a line to single done)

(taking a deep breathe) Yeah she did nothing,(running his hand over his face) She just did her, like she cooked and cleaned or whatever but she didn't contribute to the household money wise. Like I thought that I was...you know leveling up with her, she had things going for herself or so I thought. What I ended up having was a lot of bullshit, and then on top of that I found out she was pregnant with twins!!

*****Below is the ultrasound Gabbie gave to Troy*****

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******I know this is a short one but I'm still working on it, and I hope you guys stick with me.

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