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Its been known for thousands of years that vampires and other evil supernatural beings existed among humans. Not a soul has seen one face to face or lived to tell about it. That's until your stumbled upon a group of vampires and one in particular that has been watching you for a while now.

Y/N: Your name
Y/L/N : Your last name
Y/P/N : Your parents names
Y/F/N: Your friends name

You lived in a small town in Massachusetts with your parents, life was kinda perfect for you. Graduating high-school in 5 months and following that was your birthday. Your mom was great, she did everything in her power to make sure you were safe and protected from the supernatural. Although most of the Vampires and others were dangerous and we are warned to stay away from them, some still had their humanity.

High school was decent, it wouldn't be if you didn't have your best friend y/f/n. She made time fly by just enjoying each others presence, and having every class together. You guys ruled University High. Everything was all "perfect" or so you say, until you caught the eye of a group of vampires especially one vampire in particular.

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