Lost for words..

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Wonho's POV

Im lost for words right now.. Y/n is the most beautiful girl I've came across, and I'm not gonna lie there were some attractive girls but the way y/n is just makes me feel different.. Like we're made to be together in some way. That reminds me I still need to ask Shownu why I feel like this.. It's so strange..

As I walk up to Shownu's office I'm thinking to myself "Am I in love.?" "Is what I'm feeling lust or love?" Shes got a nice body not going to lie. Even though I think that I will not let it get in the way. I'm going to try and control my stupid man hormones to win her love. First I have to learn to control myself.. She smells amazing.. Not her natural smell but her blood, it smell so rich.. I can just wonder how it tastes.. As I reach Shownu's door I give it a light knock..

Wonho: "Hey Shownu it's me.. I need help.. "

Shownu: "Wonho come in. Perhaps I can help you.? What's going on.?"

Wonho: " It's about Y/n...  Shownu I don't know what it is about her but I'm drawn to her like a unknown force is pulling me at all times... I struggle to control myself around her.."

Shownu: "Seems like you've got a problem bro.. There's a few things that could cause that though! Let me grab my book so I can help!" 

Wonho: " Oh I hope something in this book can help me control myself around her.. Shownu her blood smells so rich and sweet.. I don't know how long I'm going to keep this up."

Shownu: " Well if you have some sort of feelings for her you're going to have to control it. We're going to find a way! I can't promise but we can't hope!"

As we're going through the book it's saying that's there are many reason I can't control myself around her... But only three stuck out the most to us..

1.) She could be my soulmate
2.) She could have the rarest blood of all
3.) She could be Part Vampire.. A Half blood

But what nobody knew yet is that you could be all three.. They just needed time..

Wonho: "So you're telling me she could be either one of those things?"

Shownu: "To be truthful, She could be all three.. I know you're as shocked as I am when I say this.. But it hasn't happened in years and we don't even know yet.."

Wonho: "How though? If it hasn't happened in years..? I'm scared Shownu.. I'm really starting to feel something for her. I don't care that's it's only been a day and a half since I've known her everything confusing me right now..."

Shownu: " Wonho I know.. Maybe you should get some rest and take your mind off this.. I don't want you going crazy because of y/n.. Not just yet.."

Wonho: "Alright Shownu.. Thank you for helping kind of.. It means a lot. All I know is that I'm going to have a lot of work to do when it comes to me controlling myself around her.."

I walked out of the door and sighed... Man this is going to be harder than I thought.. I don't know what to do I just can't ignore her.? I feel as if it would hurt me to even try... Man this shit is really hurting my head. I definitely need to lay down and clear my mind.


At your house

"Mom I'm home!!" you screamed as you walked through the house. It's been a long day you've been feeling really weird since you left school but you don't know how to put your finger on it..
"Hey honey!! I'm in the kitchen you can sit down and relax for a bit! I'll call you down when I need help!"she said.. With that being said you walked up to your room, you really needed to lay down.. Whatever it is that's affecting you is really talking a toll on you. You decide to text you best friend and tell her you're home now!

Y/N💜: Hey babes I'm home.. I honestly feel so weird and I don't know we're it came from and I don't know how to describe it..

Y/F/N🥀: Well I'm glad your home but that's not good. I'm confused? Have you never felt like this before?

Y/N💜:  No I have never felt like this y/f/n I'm really confused right now..

Y/F/N🥀: That's extremely weird babes.. Maybe you should take a quick nap? Do you think that will help it?

Y/N💜: Maybe I hope so I think that's what I'll do.. I just hope this helps.. I don't want to be feeling like this when my dad and brother come over..

Y/F/N🥀: Alright honey.. Text me when you wake up! I hope you feel better!

Y/N💜: Alright.. Thank you love...

Alright I guess I'm going to try and go to sleep.. Little did you know your dream might be the answer to all your questions...

Cliff hanger I know 😭😭 I just need to get more ideas out of my head!! 💜 I hope you guys like this chapter 💋 Bye for now my loves!!!

Next update: August 10th

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