Expecting the Unexpected

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Saturday Morning


You abruptly woke up to the sound of your alarm, 10:30am your phone read.. It was Saturday and you definitely didn't want to work, your mom recently got you this job at the cafe down the road so you could have extra money besides your allowance. But luckily it's your first day so you'll just be training and going over the rules and regulations.

Knock Knock

Y/M/N: "Hey honey, it's 10:30 you've got to shower and get all nice for your first day!!" Your mother said excited..

Y/N: " Momma I'm up... I don't have to be there till 11:30 but I understand, thank you." You said as your groaned to yourself..

You swear your mother is happier than you about this job.. You lazily rolled off your bed and literally crawled to you dresser. Once your outfit was picked out with the approval from your mother you got in the shower.. While you were washing your hair you were thinking about the dreams you had last night.. "Why do I keep having dreams about Wonho" "It's like I've known him forever"  "Are theses dreams trying to tell me something"  as your thought to yourself. Maybe You'll talk to Wonho Monday or text him.. Once you we're finished in the shower you got ready and did your hair and got dressed, You gotta say your mom has some good taste. You looked good.!

You walked downstairs giving your mom a kiss and hug

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You walked downstairs giving your mom a kiss and hug.

Y/N: "Alright mom, I'm off to my first day! Love you!! I'll be home soon!"

Y/M/N: "Love you honey!! See you!" Your mom waved as you walk to the door and grabbed your keys.

Work was what you expected from a cafe, quiet but sweet. The aroma of the coffee and hot chocolate topped everything off.. It was perfect to you. Your boss was a sweet heart she gave you your schedule and it was much since you were still in school. She also gave you a cute apron and told your you could wear anything to express yourself. After orientation she sent you off because she didn't want to overwhelm you with working on your first day since you've already gotten so much information. You definitely learned a lot about the place.. "Khristines Cafe" as she called it. It's named after her daughter.

As you were walking home you got a text.. From someone you didn't expect at all just yet.

1(424)****: Hey this is y/n right

Y/N: Uhhh Yeah..?" Who is this?

1(424)****: Hey its Wonho! I probably should've said that when I texted you first.. but I was wondering if you're busy today?

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