Dreaming ..

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*** - In your dream

You jolt out of bed.. Sweating from the horrible nightmare you just had..

***Someone tried to kill you.. They didn't shoot or stab you.. They tried to drain all the blood from your veins. The weird thing was is that you didn't die.? This vampire thought you were his next meal... You didn't understand what was going on.. You should've died. But you didn't. They literally set fire after drinking your blood.. Wonho came out of nowhere comforting your confused self telling you everything was going to be okay and that you were special.. What caught your attention is that the timeline was set in the past.. Everything looked older.. Women dressed in nice fluffy dresses, Men in suits and tall hats.. But what Wonho said to you had you really confused

What did he mean special? You though to your self...

Your mother interrupted your recollection of your dream "Y/n Come down, Your father and brother are here" she said. You freshened up and walked downstairs. Once you reach the bottom stair you're bombarded by the biggest hug from your brother.

Y/B/N: " Hey little sis!! I missed you. Look at you, you've grown up so much!"

Y/N: "Hey!! Dude it's only been like 4 months.. You and dad took off to the Bahamas it's not like I could've drove there to see you!!" You said giggling

Your dad interrupted giving you a hug and kissing the top of your head, You definitely missed your dad a lot, things have been smoother since your parents split. You missed being a family but it's better this way.

Y/n: "I missed you, I hope you're doing well! I know we don't talk as much but I still you goofy"

Y/f/n: " Honey I missed you too, I'm doing well! I'll make sure to contact more. How about dinner some time next week so we can catch up.? Just us..?"

You didn't want to get all upset and sappy, so you agreed with your father and told him you'd text him what days your free! Everyone sat down for dinner and enjoyed the wonderful food, no one talked which was peaceful. You had time to think about your dream with no distractions this time. It made you wonder how and why you had a dream like that with Wonho it in. You just met him Thursday... "or so you thought.." It stayed on your the rest of dinner you just couldn't even try to comprehend a dream like this one.

Time skippy

Your brother and father left, You cleaned up with your mother and now you're in your room getting ready for bed.

Getting ready for bed, thank god tomorrow's Friday.. it's been a long and confusing week. You decide to shoot your best friend a text.

Y/N💜: Hey Y/f/n, what's up?

Y/F/N🥀: Hey girl!! What's up? Are you feeling better after the nap you took?

Y/N💜: Well I'm glad you brought that up, I had this strange dream.. You wouldn't even believe it if I told you..

Y/F/N🥀:  What happened?

Y/N💜: Wonho was in my dream y/f/n, like it's was set back in the past.. but that crazy this was someone tried to kill me.. Like a vampire tried to.. I didn't die..?

Y/F/N🥀: Woah... That's some weird shit y/n... I don't even know what to say... Maybe we can talk about it more tomorrow at lunch and I'll stay with you after school?

Y/N💜: That would be nice, my head hurts trying to think about it right now, so I'd rather postpone this conversation till tomorrow.. I'm gonna go to sleep! Love you!

Y/F/n🥀: That would be best, I love you girl! See you tomorrow.

You made sure to turn your alarms on before locking your phone and turning off the light before going to sleep. All throughout the night you had strange dreams that corresponds to the one you had about Wonho. One after another, you normally had one dream not multiple because that's weird ya know? Maybe these dreams would make the dream you had about Wonho make more sense.

Authors note: Sorry this chapter isn't as long as they normally are but I had a long day!! My parents go married so I wrote this in like and hour and a half!! Thank you for reading lovely's!! I hope this is good!!

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