His Sweet Escape

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Recap: You we're walking with Wonho and you told him you had to ask him something.

"Wonho I have something to ask you.."

Wonho: "Yeah Y/n what it is?"

Y/N: " You're probably going to thinking I'm crazy or something but this has been on my mind a lot.."

Wonho: " I've seen and heard crazy.. So I think you're okay."

Y/N: " Okay so like how do I put this... Umm okay I'm just going to say it .. Is it weird to have dreams about someone like you've known them for many years?"

Wonho: " Well that is kinda weird.. Wow I didn't think you'd say that." He said lying out of his teeth..

Y/N: " See I knew you'd think I'm crazy I should've never asked.." you said looking down upset.

Wonho: "Hey I never said you were crazy I just said it was weird.. I don't know what they're about so I really have no judgment at all ya know..."

Y/N: " Yeah I know.. But still I find it so weird this one person just keeps reappearing in my dream and it like I know they very well because I feel safe around them.." you tell him weary if you should even say it about him or not..

Wonho: "Well if you don't mind can I ask who these dreams are about?" He said hoping you'd tell him.

Y/N: " Well Wonho... I don't even know if I want to tell you because once again you'll think I'm crazy.. I have no idea why I'm having dreams like this.."

Wonho: " Come on y/n it'll be fine just tell me. I promise I won't laugh or anything."

Anticipation rises as he waits for you to tell him...

Y/N: "They're about you.."

Wonho: "Wait repeat what you just said.."

Y/N: " Wonho they're about you.. I've been dreaming about you.. I don't know why.. My dreams are set in the part and you're there.. It's like we know each other.. In my dream you hugged me and told me I was safe after someone tried to attack me.."

Instantly regretting telling him because the look on his face was something you couldn't read.. You couldn't tell if he was mad or anything.

Wonho POV

I knew this was going to happen, this morning when I was "researching" Shownu's told me that y/n is going to remember soon. I just didn't think it would be this soon... It's too soon.. Truthfully I thought maybe I could have more time with this y/n before she changed. It won't be a bad change I just don't think I'm ready for it... Y/n is a Half Blood the rarest of them all... Back in time vampires were never supposed to mate with humans but her father did.. That's how Y/n came and came in my life.. I was attracted to her instantly like she was my soulmate. We had a connection so I knew I had to protect her.. So I'm thinking the dreams she is having are just premonitions of her past life.. as I though to myself. I realized she's looking rather upset and I noticed I haven't responded to what she said to me. Shit.. I definitely messed up...


Wonho: " No Y/N don't regret this.. I promise you everything will work out.. There are things I need to tell you but I can't not just yet.." he said hoping you'd understand..

Y/N: " Okay... I guess expect the unexpected right..?" You said Praying that he was right about this..

As you guys were walking enjoying the scenery since it got too awkward to continue talking about this situation you just took a look out in the field in front of you. Wonho was right this is beautiful and you definitely needed it. After basically confessing your dreams we're about him you just needed a quiet walk and you hoped he got that.. You got a glimpse of al old barn in the distance and it was incredibly old.. Windows were broken the doors were off the hinges, they place looked scary yet drawing and beautiful..

 Windows were broken the doors were off the hinges, they place looked scary yet drawing and beautiful

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You wanted to go explore it but it gave off a weird vibe.. Wonho caught it too.. As you got to the end of the path you realize that it basically led back to the diner. It was nice you guys didn't have to walk back the way you came. Wonho offered to talk you home, you accepted. You were too tired to even try and walk or catch the bus. Once Wonho dropped you off you went and your room and plopped on your bed. "Man I'm ready for a nap" you said, snuggling into your blankets and within seconds you were out like a light..

Wonho POV

Once I dropped y/n off I started thinking to myself, "What if this doesn't work out..?" "Will we work out?" I need to stop working myself up over this.. With time everything will work out. I just can't believe she's changing so soon.. It starts out as dreams or memories, then you start changing physically.. The mental part is the hardest.. Realizing your half vampire will be hard for but I will be there for her the whole time.. She's the love of my life even if she doesn't know it yet.. In my past life I was going to marry her.. But I lost her.. I lost her to my Enemies BTS... They stole her from me and tortured her.. Jungkook and Jimin wanted her for themselves... They knew she was mine but they wanted to break me down and win the fight.. I'm glad I have a second chance.. She is my sweet escape and it will stay that way...

Double Update!! I feel like you guys definitely deserve it! 🥀💜  Bye for now my loves! 💋

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