Cold lips..

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Study hall

Once outside you and Y/f/n sat in your usual spot under a beautiful cherry blossom tree. You guys come here for peace and quite since it's away from the school. You were just about to bring out your homework out when y/f/n says something.

Y/f/n: So what do you think about the new guys? They don't speak much besides speaking amongst the group..

Y/n: They seem alright I guess.. I mean I'd have to talk to them to get a better judgment. Wonho really intrigues me .. a lot..

Y/f/n: You're right about that.. But I mean how would we even talk to them? They look like they'd bite someone's head off if they tried to even say a word.

Y/n: Well I guess we'll just have to find out!

With that you walked over to them. They were sitting on a table around the corner from the stairs.. Anticipation was rising while you were walking over.. What would you say? How would you introduce yourself? How not to make yourself sound incredibly stupid.. Thinking in your head "stop overwhelming just say your name and welcome them idiot". Well here goes nothing..

Y/n: "Hi guys! My name is Y/N I'm a senior here and I just wanted to welcome you guys and I hope your time here is what you expected! "

Shownu: "Hi Y/n, i suppose you know our names from first hour!"

Minhyuk: "HI Y/N!!! Nice to meet you!!" he says sounding so bubbly.

As the boys say hi and thank you for your warm greeting Wonho sits quietly.. Wondering if you should say something to him or not.. He must be shy..

Y/n: "Well I hope to see you all around and maybe we can become good friends!! Come and find me or Y/f/n if you need any help around school!" You say pointing over to her.

Shownu: "Thank you so much Y/n. I'm very hopeful our stay here will be amazing we should all definitely meet up during lunch!" He said

Y/n: "Alright sounds like a plan! We won't be hard to find!! Bye guys!!" You say while walking away and waving.

Once you're back to Y/f/n she starts hounding you with questions.. "What were they like?" "Did everything go well?" "How in the hell did you survive all their stares?" Before she goes any further you stop all her worrying.

Y/n: Oh gosh.. Stop your worrying they seem completely harmless! Shownu and Minhyuk are literal teddy bears! They're so sweet! Wonho didn't really say anything though..

Y/f/n: Really? I thought you were gonna pass out walking over there I could feel the tension coming from you..!

Y/n: I was really nervous I'm not gonna lie. Literally overthinking how to say hi... lol.. But we're meeting with them at lunch so you could meet all of them!!

Y/f/n: Really..? Well that's doesn't sound too bad!

Your conversation was interrupted when the bell rang for 4th period. Study hall was lucky two periods, the teachers thought it would be better so the students could have more time to work on their homework, projects.. etc. As you and y/f/n walked to class you tripped and fell on some kids book that they carelessly left in the middle of the floor. As you were falling anticipating the cold hard ground to hit you it never came... You glanced up and saw Wonho.. Wonho caught you..

Y/n: "Oh gosh.. Thank you.. If it wasn't for you I would've busted my ass.." luckily there wasn't as many students in the hall as you thought.

Wonho: "You're welcome.." he said hesitantly

Y/n: How did you get over here so fast? I swear I didn't see you when we we're e walking at all.." you replied very confused

Wonho: "I was walking right behind you and I guess I was here in the right time." He said hoping you'd believe him.

You were very hesitant to even think about believing what he just said because you swore he was no where to be seen.. Not that you were looking for him...

Y/n: "Well thank you for saving my ass literally! I don't want to take anymore of your time so I'll let you go! See you at lunch!"

Wonho: "It's no problem.. See you at lunch!"

He walked off as y/f/n stood there shocked.. You were shocked too.. You didn't understand how he even got to you? No words were coming out of either of your mouths to try to explain what just happened. There's absolutely no way? You both just brushed off the feeling and went to class.

Wonho POV

"That was close.."he said to himself.. Completely shocked by his own actions.. Something about you drew him in. It's like he couldn't stop looking at you.. He couldn't stop thinking about you. But he could never come up with words to say besides when he caught you.

Jooheon: "Bro.. Are you good? You look like a deer in head lights?"

Wonho: " I think so...Jooheon I don't know what it is about her but I can't seem to control myself around her.. she fell earlier and I was nowhere near her and i just had a feeling something was gonna happen to her"

Jooheon: "Well you have to control yourself.. She doesn't know what we are. I'm positive she knows about what we are but she can't know we are vampires just yet.."

Wonho: "I know, I know... That's the whole reason we came here is because someone exposed us.. I don't understand why it's so hard to live in the public.. We aren't like the others.?"

Jooheon: "Bro you know if we ever came out publicly people would be terrified.. No human has seen our kind and lived to tell about it so I understand why we can't.."

Wonho: " I get that but what if she is who I think she is? What if she's the one that can help us..?"

Jooheon: "Well I guess we'll just have to find out so grow some balls, control yourself and talk to her already damn."

Wonho: "Alright.."

I just don't understand why it's so hard to control myself around her... Maybe I should bring it up to Shownu when we're back home later today..

***Hi again my lovely's! I was just going to give you guys the intro and the first chapter but I thought I'd go ahead and write another one! I hope you like! Comments are welcome! Let me know what you think 💜 -S.L.M

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