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Vid credits to @kpopinfires this edit is literally great!!

Time skipy ;)

Lunch Time

You and y/f/n are sitting at the table talking, eating your lunch. You might be eavesdropping on some new drama but it never excites you.. That's until you heard Wonho's name in the conversation. You listen closely and finally hear what's they're talking about.. They're just hitting on him and his group, you couldn't help but to get a little jealous. I mean what can you say he is hot so it's not surprising that they're talking about them. They're the "New Deal". Your eavesdropping gets interrupted by Minhyuk screaming your name across the cafeteria...

Minhyuk: "Y/n I missed you so much!!! Oh my."

Y/n: "Minhyuk it's only been like 5 hours, but oh well I missed you too" you gigged surprised by his actions

Shownu: "Hey Y/N, how was class? Oh this must be you friend you were talking about!!"

Y/n: "Hey Shownu, Class was you know boring... And yes this is Y/f/n!! Introduce yourself girly!!"

Y/f/n: "Hiii! You guys know my name by now but I really wasn't paying attention when you guys introduced yourselves. Not to be rude I just dozed off.!"

Shownu: "Well hello! My names Shownu as you know. You both can call me nunu if you want! I can definitely see us getting closer!"

Boy #2: "My names Minhyuk!! I'll be your sunshine forever!" He means it too.

Boy #3: "Hi!! My name is Changkyun but you can call me I.M!"

Boy #4: "Hello Y/f/n, I'm Kihyun I take care of these boys like I'm their mom.. not kidding at all."

Boy #5: "Hello my names Hyungwon! It's very nice to meet you two!"

Wonho: "Hey!! I'm positive you know my name as well since I saved y/n's ass in the hallway" he winked at you.

Boy #6: "Hey, I'm Jooheon. You can call me Honey if you want. ;)" he winked at y/f/n.

You literally started dying laughing because y/f/n literally turned so red when Jooheon winked at her. She pulled out her phone so you assumed she was going to text you and that's exactly what she did.

Y/F/N🥀: Girl hold up? Did he just wink at me?!? Am I blushing? You're literally not helping me laughing rn. 😭

Y/N💜: Yes girl he definitely did! 😉 I see someone already has their eye on you!! Must be nice, you finally got someone. How long has it been?

Y/F/N🥀: Shut up I know it's been forever but it's been forever for you too.! So don't even start okay? 🙄 Wonho's been staring at you this whole time but you were too busy laughing to notice.

Right then you look up and you definitely lock eyes with him you she was definitely right. He's been staring at you this whole time! "I wish he would just say something" you thought to yourself and right on cue he starts talking.

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