Luminous Eyes

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At Shownu's House

The car ride to Shownu's was unbearable.. Your eyes were burning, Head pounding, and this wicked tasted of metal in your mouth. It was like you were choking on your own blood.. Struggling not to scream out in pain was hard enough. They boys and y/f/n rushed you in the house. While Wonho ran upstairs to god knows where Kihyun and Changkyun were sitting by your side trying to calm you down. "I didn't think her transition would be this bad Kihyun, she looks like she could literally die any second..." Changkyun said freaking out at the sight of you. Everything was currently a blur to you, You couldn't hear anything or see all you could feel was pain. Constant pain. "Changkyun it's going to be extremely hard for her. She won't die because she strong. Somebody please go see what the hell is taking Wonho so long.. She needs him and he knows this." Kihyun said looking to Jooheon as he ran up the stairs. While Jooheon was upstairs Y/f/n started crying and freaking out.. " I never thought my best friend would go through this.. I understand that you guys knew this was going to happen and I'm not dumb I know what you are but why her?..." she said sobbing into her hands. Kihyun left your side and approached y/f/n, "Y/f/n I know this is hard for you, seeing your best friend change into something you thought would never happen. But you need to be strong right now. You absolutely need to be at your strongest. You and Wonho are going to be the only ones that can help her right now." He said gripping y/f/n hands

Jooheon's POV

Once I was upstairs I found Wonho crying to Shownu in his office I didn't want to interrupt their conversation but I had to but before I did I heard Wonho saying something "Shownu I can't do this... I feel all her fucking pain right now and it hurts me. What if I fuck up? What if she hates me after this..?" He said crying in Shownu's shoulder. After I heard that I burst in the room, "Wonho I'm going to need you to man the fuck up. I understand you feel her pain but she needs you bro. None of us can do this. Besides you and y/f/n... Shownu please tell him" I said as I pleaded to Shownu.. This is serious.. Without your soulmate or a loved one the transformation can seriously damage y/n.. She won't be the same if she doesn't have him. "He's right Wonho.. She needs you. I know this hurts but you know what will happen if she doesn't have you by her side." He said in a serious tone..

Right then Wonho knew he needed to be down there for you. He couldn't let you go through this alone. As he was getting up he heard your blood curdling scream coming from downstairs. He instantly rushed to your side. "Y/n baby please I'm here.. can you're hear me..? Let me in.. I can help you." He said pushing down all the tears the threatened to come out. "Hey y/n I'm here for you, please... You're my best friend I need you to be strong for us. You can do it." You suddenly hear Wonho and Y/f/n, everything slowly dissipates but not for long.. Once you notice they're there everything hits you like a freight train. Screaming, thrashing around. You couldn't control yourself. Everything hurt. Muffled voices is what your heard next, you couldn't make out what anyone was saying. "Shownu this is the worst part of the transition, if she doesn't let them in this will be bad" Kihyun said with wide eyes. As They both try their hardest to get to you and make you hear them, everything goes white. The room goes quiet.. "What's happening.. She just stopped out of nowhere.." Y/f/n said weary... No one understood what was going on. Once you say the flash of white you saw a figure in the distance, you didn't recognize them at all they seemed like they knew you. As the figure approaches you realize it's a women. An elderly women that looks like she could be in her early 70's, she spoke up.. " Hi honey, your probably wondering who I am.. And to answer that question I'm your Grandmother, from your dads side. We never got to meet because your father wanted to keep that he was a vampire a secret." You stood there in the blank abyss shocked... This women was your grandmother? Your dad is keeping secrets from you too? "How do I know your not lying to me right now? You could be some imposter or something-" she interrupted you before you could say anything else. " Honey if I was someone else how would I know that your in a room full of other vampires and your best friend? You're going through your transition right now.. Aren't you?" She said smiling. You nodded weary of this whole thing not understanding any of it. " Y/n this is going to be hard but you have to let them in, they have to help you okay..? That's all I have left to say. I have to go now. Hopefully soon you'll find me and I'll meet your after all these years." She said giving you a hug. You started crying out as it suddenly got dark again. Slowly pulling you back to the real world, Their voices got louder and louder. You had to fight this and let them in. "I promise you love once this is over I will explain everything and be there every step of the way.. Please y/n I need you" That was the last thing you heard before you completely blacked out....

Wonho's POV

What's happening? She's not moving and she barley breathing.. I started freaking out.. "Shownu what's going on..?" I said as I started to cry... "Wonho I didn't think it would happen like this.. We won't know if she let you guys in until she wake up.. I'm sorry..." he said. I completely broke down and ran out of the house. I don't know where I was going to go but I just kept running.. "YOU FAILED" kept repeating in my head over and over again... I stopped at the edge of the forest and crouched down... Whispering to myself " Y/n I know you can hear me right now.. I love you.. Okay.? I know you haven't fully known me for long but I need you to know this..." I said as the tears and hiccups clouded everything around me...

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