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"Now, all the tools you'll ever need are over on this far wall," Drake explained to Charlie, showing her around the shop. "Obviously, it's gonna get annoying goin' back and fourth just to get somethin' so, get yourself a tool box put maybe one of each thing in it and keep it at your station."

"Where's my station then?" she asked, looking past him.

"Well, your station is gonna be right over there, next to Frank's," he said, turning to point down the rows of vehicles. The mention of his name had caused Frank to lift his head out of the hood of the car he was working on and shoot a deadly glare at Drake. Drake turned to Charlie quickly, chuckling nervously. "Don't worry, he's just in a bad mood today. He probably won't spark any conversations with you at all. It's never anything personal, that's just Frank."

She nodded, looking past Drake to catch Frank's gaze, she smiled and waved at him, causing him to almost immediately turn away from her. 

"Also, Charlie," Drake began, lowering his voice and turning them away from Frank's earshot. "Avoid asking him any questions regarding his mask. Actually, just avoid asking him any questions. He loses his temper rather easily. He also won't probably give you an answer either way so there really is no point."

"How come he owns the shop and you're giving me the tour?"

"I pretty much just said why, blondie," he said. "He's a man of little words. Don't worry, I already briefed you on all the rules so you should be good to go."

She nodded. "How come he doesn't talk?"

Drake sighed heavily, patting her shoulder. "You're not gonna get along with Frank, are ya? You seem like a chatter."

She shrugged. "I like conversing with people."

He chuckled. He was enjoying this far too much. Not only did he enjoy giving Frank crap about freezing in front of a woman, he could do his dirty work by setting her station by his, pretty much setting her lose to him.

"Hang in there, if you can get through your first day you'll be fine," he said. "I got a run today so I'll be gone. Feel free to ask Frank whatever questions you have, just as long as you are prepared for the answer."

"Please, I've had my share of grouchy men," she scoffed, shooting a warning look at Drake. "I mean, you know who Fury is, right? He's not always sunshine and rainbows."

Drake laughed, his head falling back. "I'm gonna have so much fun," he said more to himself than to anyone else. "Alright, anyway, I better go. Can't be late." He gave her one last pat on the shoulder and jogged out of the shop, heading to the clubhouse. 

Frank had hardly looked at her since she walked through the doors. He never realized how odd he acted around women until he was near one and an exceptionally beautiful one, for that matter. He had threatened Drake to give her the tour and run down of the place, claiming that if he didn't he'd shove an exhaust pipe up his urethra. It was enough to scare Drake into doing it, mainly because he knew Frank didn't joke about such things. 

Charlie had moved over to the wall with the tools, her eyes scanning over the many tools. He watched her from afar. He was more intrigued with her than anything. He was used to the club's whores, they were grabby and handsy, they walked seductively, licked their lips constantly, wore pounds of make-up, little to no clothing; she was the complete opposite of them. He had no other contact with any other women besides the whores so she was definitely a rare sight. 

In the middle of his thoughts, she suddenly spun around, their eyes locking together. "Hey, you think I could play some music?" she asked, looking at him with a sudden sparkle in her eyes. "I bet you haven't heard Slipknot before, based on your reaction from last night."

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