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"I realize our first encounter wasn't the best," Max said, finally getting the chance to talk to Charlie alone while everyone drank and sang to their hearts content. "I am Maxwell, I'm Melissa's dad. Your grandfather."

Charlie stared at his hand he had stretch out for her and slowly shook it. "Charlie," she said, trying to be civil. "Melissa's daughter."

"I can't believe she hid you from me," he said, taking a sip of his beer.

"She favored Fury," she said, watching everyone enjoy themselves. "She always took Fury to the club, you know that, of course. I was always left with my dad and he was not a nice man."

"I don't know why she ever settled with him," he commented, clearing his throat. "No offense. He was a scumbag even before."

"None taken," she sighed. "Why'd you elect Fury?"

"We had laws. The forefathers before us weren't as kind as we are. Melissa and I would be killed if Fury didn't take over, that is the price."

"What kind of tyranny is that?"

He chuckled. "It's in the past," he said confidently. "We're about to enter a new era of the Saints, a better one for that matter. We all weren't ready to enter the Haven anyway, it'll be good to be back."

"It'll be nice to have at least one family member who isn't trying to kill me," she said, finally turning to smile at him. 

He only smiled back, ruffling her hair. "You're so much like your mom," he said, looking like he was going to cry. "You should've been the one to take over the club."

She chuckled yet again, her eyes scanning the crowd and landing Frank, his gaze locked on hers. "The Saints have an even better leader right now."

"With the way you two are," Max said, noticing their stare down with each other. "You'll be right by his side, leading as well."

"I will stay by his side regardless," was all she said before she left the bar and walked over to Frank.

His eyes were watching her hips sway as she walked, her gaze was hungry and her smile breathtaking. "How long do you plan on staring at me?" she questioned, raising a brow at her and running a hand through her long hair. 

He watched her movements, remembering her words just before they had left to come to the Haven.

"I want to be alone with you when we get back."

He wanted to be alone with her right now. He couldn't lie and say he didn't desire her with every fiber of his being. When she first appeared in the club, he never expected to end up falling in love with her, body and soul, yet here he was. He remembered that day vividly, she had walked into his shop wearing an old t-shirt, jeans that hugged her curves deliciously and those same busted vans. He made a mental note to buy her new shoes.

He stopped for a moment. Buy her new shoes? He chuckled to himself, grabbing her wrist and pulling her onto his lap, draping an arm around her waist. "What have you done to me woman?"

"Who? Little ol' me?" she said, smiling sweetly at him. She leaned her head so her mouth was by his ear. "I haven't done anything yet."

He was so incredibly captivated by her and as they spent more and more time together, his captivation grew every single day. "We've been through a lot of shit lately," he said, his fingertips touching the soft skin of her love handles, drawing designs and giving her butterflies. "You sure you don't wanna run away?"

She hummed, pretending to be deep in thought. "You know, now that you mention it--" she looked at him, that same smile stretched on her face. "I think I'd rather stick around."

He chuckled lightly. "Oh? Is that so?"

"I have no where to run to," she told him, her hand placed firmly on his chest, feeling his heart beat. "I am home only when I'm with you."

"You're not so bad yourself," he responded, causing her to laugh, his heart fluttering. 

"It seems things are gonna be quiet for a while, it'll be nice," she commented, looking him in the eye. "Maybe we can spend some quality time together."

He let out a hum, nodding his head. "Together, huh?"

"Are you--perhaps--one of those guys who wants to hear, out loud, what we're gonna do?" she asked, narrowing her eyes playfully at him. He shrugged. "Then," she lowered her head and spoke in his ear, ensuring he was the only one who'd hear. "I want to spend quality time together, with you, preferably naked and in bed."

He shut his eyes for a moment, the pit of his stomach burning with pleasure at just the thought. "Are you trynna get a rise outta me?" he responded back, his other hand grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. "You better know what you're getting yourself into."

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into," she said, her eyes swirling with desire. "Let's get outta here, the boys are enjoying themselves, they can come back tomorrow morning when they're sober."

"Alright," was all he said. She, before getting off his lap, slowly reached down into his pocket, coming dangerously close to his manhood and grabbed the keys. She winked at him before heading out to the car, Frank sitting there, trying to fight the excitement that rose within him. 

"You keep outta trouble," Frank told Drake. "Keep an eye on the others. I don't want none of you driving tonight, ya hear?"

Drake nodded, smiling happily. "Enjoy your night, Frankie," he said, wiggling his brows at him. 

He slapped his back and moved over to Max. "My men are gonna stay here for the night, you got space for 'em."

"Yeah, plenty. They're welcome here from now on," he said, eyeing Frank. "I meant what I said before," he suddenly said, Frank looking at him before he left. "Make her Queen already."

He chuckled. "I will."

He left the Haven and loaded himself in the drivers seat, Charlie already in the passenger side, watching him with hungry eyes. 

"Don't devour me until we get there," he said, throwing an arm over the seat, lifting his mask up and leaning over to kiss her, long and hard. He pulled back from her, her eyes glazed over. "We can have each other all night."

"Are you ready for that?" she smirked. 

He kissed her again. "Are you?"

Before they got too carried away, he put the car in gear and sped out of the parking lot.

Hey guys!

Alright soooooooo next chapter as you can *ahem* see will have the sex scene y'all been waiting for. I haven't written this type of scene before in any of my recent books (I honestly just don't think I'm too good at it) so bear with me, the chapter will take some time because it needs to be amazing

Thank you all so much for your constant support and please continue to vote and comment, it helps me out a lot!

With love,
D. M. Brightwell

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