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"We need new recruits," Frank said, his head under the hood of a old Chevy truck. 

"The Forefathers already joined the club again though," Drake said. "We're running out of space. If we add anymore people they'll be no room for them."

"That's been taken care of already," Frank said, lifting his head to look over at him. "Mr. Amari graciously gave us another building, the one next to the clubhouse."

"Oh, that was nice of him," Drake smirked. "Did you blackmail the poor man?"

"Poor man my ass," Frank grumbled. "He can't even treat his own kid's right. Cobra doesn't deserve the shit he gets from him. It was easy convincing Mr. Amari anyway."

Mr. Amari was the Mayor of their town and he was the one who had agreed to have a partnership with the Saints. The Saints protected the city and, in return, Mr. Amari gave them their buildings, resources, supplies; all they could possibly need. Cobra is Mr. Amari's youngest son and is treated rather poorly by him, hence the reason he stuck with the club so closely.

"The new place next door is for the Forefathers and whoever doesn't fit in the clubhouse now," Frank explained, tossing his tools back in his toolbox and sitting on his stool, looking at Drake once again. "New place got a big kitchen. We need more crew for maintenance than anything else."

"So, not really new members but employees?" Drake questioned, rubbing his chin, deep in thought. "I suppose the clubhouse could use some janitors, the bathrooms definitely don't clean themselves."

"That's something that shoulda been done a long time ago," Frank muttered. "Fury, the scumbag. He had no respect for the club."

"He's gone now," Drake said rather quickly, his normal bright and cheery attitude suddenly shifting. A darkness fell over his face and Frank watched him closely. It was a darkness Frank had only seen years ago when he drug Drake's nearly lifeless body into the garage and brought him back to life. 

Out of all the members in the club, Drake was the most mysterious. Despite his uplifting mood and his sense of humor which everyone knows him by, no one knows about his past or where he came from or who he is, no one except for Frank.

"Don't lose yaself boy," Frank said, bringing him back to reality. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he said, waving him off. "Is Charlie doing alright?"

Frank smirked from under his mask, remembering the mess he made of her that morning which had left her still in bed and sound asleep. "She's alright."

"So, when are ya gonna pop the big question, Frankie?" Drake said, wiggling his eyebrows at him. 

"None of your business."

"Come on, Frankie. Don't ya think if we enter a new era of the Saint's that we should also have a Queen, for once?"

"She will dammit."

"Okay, then when?" Drake exacerbated. "I'm still waiting for my ship to be official, official."

"What the fuck are ya goin' on about."

"Ya know, dating is one think but marriage is a whole different story."

"Do I gotta spell it out for you?"


Frank sighed heavily and shook his head. "Once we're done with recruitment, that's all I'm saying."

"You mean not even your right hand man get's to know?" he said, batting his eyelashes at him. 

"Get outta my face," Frank grumbled. "Make yourself useful and go over some of the profiles we got for recruits. When the time comes, everyone needs to witness but first we're getting rid of the one's who don't fit what we need."

"Paperwork? You're asking me to do paperwork?"

Before Frank could answer, Atom entered the Garage, grabbing the two's attention.

"Atom," Frank nodded, greeting him. 

He nodded back. "The bodies are taken care of."

"You gonna be more involved in the club when the new era begins?"

Atom looked at him, his face holding no expression. "As long as the crusade let's me."

Frank scoffed. "Get outta here boy."

Atom only nodded his head and disappeared, both him and Drake watching him leave. 

"Man of little words," Drake said. "Less words than you."

"Shut your trap," he grumbled. "Come on, let's take a look at the profiles."

Frank stepped into the back and came back with a large stack of folders with several documents within each.

"This takes online dating to whole new level," Drake said, grabbing a folder and opening it, staring down at the information. "Are these background checks on every single person who applied?"

"I only asked Leo to print the applicants info out, he did more than I asked."

"You asked the computer nerd to do something that he longs to do, of course he went all out."

"Just make sure there ain't no fucked up assholes who applied, get rid of 'em immediately," Frank said.

"You mean, you don't want your employee's to be fucked up like the rest of us?" Drake said, his brows raised. 

"We'll see."

"You're hiring cooks?" Charlie suddenly asked, grabbing one of the folders and flipping it open. "Didn't know we got a restaurant."

"We got a whole new building, sunshine," Drake said, smirking at her. "And we got the old guys comin' back, we need the space and we need to take care of them."

Charlie nodded along. "You're right."

"Would you rather work as a cook?" Frank said, glancing up at her.

"Me? No way, I prefer working with these bad boys," she said, tapping the hood of one of the cars. 

"Hey, doesn't this lady already work as a waitress at Grandma's Kitchen?" Drake suddenly asked, showing the profile to them.

"That's Grandma's granddaughter," Frank said. "She's a good cook, we're definitely hiring her."

"Man, we can't have Grandma?"

"She owns her own restaurant, dumbass," Charlie chuckled, placing the folder she'd been holding down. "She must be one hell of a woman, I heard she swept Atom right off his feet."

"Apparently all the extraordinary women in this town are being taken by scary biker dudes," Drake grumbled. "When's my chance?"

"Aw, don't cry Drakey," Charlie said, winking at Frank. "Your chance will come."

Hey guys!

Well, you all did it, you got this story to 1M views and I am so incredibly happy and proud of this story! Thank you all so much for your support and your very funny comments.

This book will be ending once it reaches 55 chapters. Three more chapters to go. 

I also wanted to announce that I am currently creating a manuscript for this story and not only is it time consuming, it is also a very long process. I've only edited two chapters so far and added so much more information, introduced more things early on, and foreshadowed a lot more things for the sake of the plotline.

One day this story will be published, until then I will be finishing this version and writing three sequels in this series. 

Thank you all so much for your continuous love and support, it really helps me out so much. Please continue to vote and comment.

With care,
D. M. Brightwell

P.S. Please let me know if you want me to do a Q&A on me as an author or my series or anything else :) I really want to do this for you guys!

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