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Frank had never had any dreams before, but this was the first. He was lost in the most breathtaking dream he'd ever had. He always had nightmares, always dreamed of his uncle and what he had done to him for so many years but this time he dreamed of something good.

Once he had shut his eyes and lost sight of Charlie, he believed he had died and it didn't help that his dream was like he was in heaven. 

It was bright and white and glowing. He walked through this glowing light, engulfed by it, and for the longest time he simply felt at peace. 

Was this what it's like to die?

"You can't die."

He looked up, seeing Charlie walk towards him, dressed in white, and just as he remembered her; perfect. She smiled that same gorgeous smile at him and held her hand out.

"Don't you see?" she said, turning to point behind her, a vision of sorts appearing slowly and blurry at first, until his eyes focused. "We're gonna have a future together, you and me."

He could see it. The vision became clear to him and he was suddenly standing in a home, a beach house. He looked around, confused as to where he was, and then he heard someone. A child came running around the corner, a pregnant Charlie laughing and following close behind. Everything was moving in slow motion and soon he saw himself, his mask gone and true happiness etched on his face.

He blinked a few times, tears running down his cheeks. He was going to get happiness. He was going to get the happiness he believed he didn't deserve.

The vision before him changed and he could see himself standing at an alter, the crew and other people seated in the chairs and Charlie, clad in a wedding dress that made her look like an angel, walking down the aisle, looking only at him.

"If you leave now you won't fulfill this happiness you desire," she told him, the vision disappearing and Charlie reappearing in front of him, holding her hand out to him yet again. "You can't leave me, Frank. You are the happiness I have been searching for my entire life, and I to you."

He looked at her, her voice echoing in this bright light they were surrounded by. 

"Come back to me."

Frank reached out, slowly, and grabbed her hand, the intense glow around him growing brighter until all he saw was a bright white light. His eyes fluttered opened and he was temporarily blinded by the overhead light above him. His vision was blurry and it took him a very long time to come to.

He looked around the room he was in, realizing he was in an infirmary, but not the one at the clubhouse. He blinked a few times, looking down at his hand as he felt something clutch it. Charlie was there, fast asleep with her head rested on the hospital bed he lay on, her hand clutching his tightly, even in her sleep. He hardly cared what happened or where he was anymore, all he knew is that he was back and that was good enough for him.

He lifted up his other hand, hoping to find her necklace there but it wasn't. His hand slowly touched his neck and he found that it was placed back on him. He sighed heavily and removed the oxygen mask around his mouth and breathed deeply.

"Frank?" He turned to catch sight of Charlie, her eyes holding so many emotions as she looked at him, completely relieved. Her face lit up like a light and she smiled at him, tears of joy running down her face. Before he could think, she had jumped up and hugged him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He hugged her back with his one arm, holding her tightly. "You came back."

"I promised I would," he said, his voice deep and raspy and mouth dry.

She pulled away to look at him. "You almost broke it."

"Did you doubt me, for a second?"

She chuckled lightly and his hand cupped her cheek, the pad of his thumb wiping away one of her tears. Her hand came up and clutched his, the happiness etched on her face breathtaking as he looked at her, like it was the first time he was seeing her.

"Thank God," Eagle said, entering and coming over to the side of the bed, Charlie sitting back down, holding his hand as if he'd disappear if she let go. "You gave us quite the scare, Frank."

"What happened?" he said, remembering vaguely what had happened but not really knowing why or how they were there.

"Fury refused to send any of us to save you," Eagle said, the room growing deathly silent. "Charlie took some of his guns and herded us up and we came to get you. We wiped out the whole damn club, Charlie did a big chunk of the work."

Frank chuckled lightly, looking over at a rather guilty looking Charlie. "I told you not to worry."

"How could I not!" she grumbled. "You were gone for two weeks with no word. I wasn't going to sit around and pretend you were fine."

He chuckled again, his hand lifting to ruffle her hair. "Good work."

She smiled sadly at him, laughing as well. 

"You're one tough bastard," Eagle said, shaking his head. "Shot seven times, knife wounds, burns...not to mention you lost so much goddamn blood. I really thought you were gonna die this time, boy."

"You doubted me too?" Frank asked, smirking at the old man.

"Frank," Charlie called, his attention turning to her. "I told Fury once we got back to the clubhouse that he'd no longer be President."

Frank looked at her, no doubt surprised. He looked to Eagle, then her, then Eagle. "So, we gotta find a new prez now?"

Eagle smirked wildly. "It's already been voted, Frank," he said, looking the happiest he'd ever been. 

"You're President, now."

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