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Charlie's eyes fluttered open the next morning, the partially opened blinds on the window allowing for a little bit of light to enter the room. She looked beside her, expecting to find Frank there but he wasn't. She blinked a few times, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and lifting the blanket to see that Frank was indeed still there, his arms wrapped around her waist and his face pressed against her stomach. 

He was sound asleep, breathing deeply and slowly. She smiled softly, running a hand over his buzzed hair, watching as he shifted in his sleep. His eyes slowly opened and, instead of lifting his head, he buried it further into her stomach, causing her to chuckle at the ticklishness of his actions. 

He groaned lightly, moving one of his arms to rub the sleep from his eyes, looking up at her finally. "When did you wake up?" His voice was so unbelievably deep, as if it could get any deeper.

Her cheeks heated and she smirked down at him, grabbing his face and pulling him up to kiss him slowly. "A few minutes before you."

He kissed her back, scooting up on the bed. He pulled away from her slightly. "We can't spend all day here."

"Why not?" she whined, draping a leg over his waist. 

He grabbed the underneath of her thigh, squeezing it and kissing her one more time. "Forefathers are coming to witness," he said, drawing circles in her thigh with his fingertips. 

"Witness what?"

"Fury and your fathers' execution."

She sat up almost instantly, looking down at him with wide eyes. "They're still alive?" she nearly shouted.

He grabbed her wrist before she could get out of bed in all her rage and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly. "We brought them back here after what happened and gave them the same torture they gave you, as part of their punishment for hurting you and me. Their final repent will be death by execution, as they did to Eagle. The forefathers asked to witness as part of their re-instatement into the club."

She relaxed onto his chest, listening to the calmness in his heartbeat. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because I knew you didn't want to know." He knew she wanted to believe they were already dead. He knew she wanted to forget them and never think of what they did to her or him or even the club. "I should've told you."

"No, I'm glad you didn't," she mumbled. "I don't want to look at their faces, not unless they're dead."

"After today the club is going to re-establish their dominance in the biker world," he continued. "It's going to get busy. We're going to be recruiting new members, expanding the clubhouse; will ya be able to keep up?"

She looked up at him and grinned. "The real question is," she began, pecking his lips and jumping out of bed, looking at him from the doorway of the bathroom. "Can you keep up?"

* * *

"Are you ready?" Frank had asked Charlie just before they exited the clubhouse to the yard in the back. 

She stood before the door, standing deathly still. Just on the other side were the two men she had once called family, the two men that had both ruined her life but also gave her a new one at the club. Those two men had been involved with enough hurt and chaos long enough and they had soiled the family name that had led the Saints for generations.

Frank grabbed her hand gently, easing her tense muscles almost instantly. She looked up at him, seeing his worried eyes through his mask. "You do not have to witness. The boys understand if you can't watch."

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