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"Let's tear this office apart," Frank said, Cobra and another member, Leon, standing beside him as they looked into Fury's old office. "Let's make it an armory, instead. I don't need a damn office."

Cobra laughed happily, patting Frank roughly on the back. "I love you man," he said, entering the office with Leon and beginning to go through the things in the room.

"Set the boxes of paperwork in the hall, I'll go through them later. Burn the furniture in the back, I'll get started on some shelves," Frank said, the two men nodding to him.

It was startling, at first, just how natural it felt being President. Frank had made only a little progress, but the club was already improving just by not having Fury here. Frank turned and left the clubhouse, heading back to the Garage.

The realization and importance of Fury's behavior was slowly creeping on him. At first he was so clouded with rage towards Fury, beyond over with the bullshit he'd put up with, but him and Fury had history. They were friends for years and years, things weren't always like how they've been recently, it was alarming how much it affected him. Fury was gone and would soon betray the club he once ran. Frank couldn't wrap his head around it at first, but now that he realized it, he realized he lost a good friend.

"What's got you all down?" Charlie said, Frank just then realizing he had been standing in the Garage, lost in thought. It was more frightening the fact that she could see his emotions through his mask, he couldn't hide anything from her.

He let out a breath. "Who's motorcycle you workin' on?" he asked, avoiding the topic of Fury. 

She glanced to her side, looking at the almost brand new, all black Harley. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise," she began, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I just got it for you. I'm adding some things to it since your last one got burnt to hell."

She smiled at him. Overcome with joy, Frank took quick strides towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her up in the air. She squealed lightly, wrapping her arms around his neck, laughing wholeheartedly. 

"Well, aren't you two just too cute?" Drake said, Frank gently setting charlie down and glancing at him. "I got that saw and stuff you asked for set up in the back," he said, pointing to where the new equipment sat. "Don't over-work yourself now, Frank."

He scoffed. "Only one here who over-works is your sorry ass," he grumbled, slapping him on the back. 

Drake laughed. "Well, your prez now so we lost our most valuable employee."

"Employee my ass, I own this damn shop," Frank said.

"Well, Mr. Boss, you should probably hire another worker to fill your spot while you're gone," Drake said, turning back to the Toyota Corolla. 

Frank rubbed the back of his tense neck, realizing that maybe he should hire some more workers for the Garage. Charlie placed a hand on his back, smiling up at him as she always did. "Want a massage later?" she asked, only loud enough for Frank to hear.

He smiled, lowering his head to her ear. "I'm not so sure you could handle that."

He laughed at the blush that formed on her cheeks and the pout that pursed her lips. He walked to the back, taking a look at the wood-working equipment he had Drake pull from the storage, sketching out an idea for the shelves for the armory. 

It was hard for him to think about just how different things were now. Weeks ago he was just a tool for Fury, he was the clubs mutt, the clubs Devil. Now he was the President. Now he was making the club better than it ever was. Now his oldest friend was his enemy. Now he had found his happiness. He found the woman that unlocked the dreams he had buried deep inside him. Things were better, they were better. Yet he seemed so affected by Fury's direct betrayal.

"You never answered my question earlier," Charlie said, standing by the wall with the tools hanging up, searching for a specific one. "What's got you so down?"

"How the hell can you read me even when you can't see my face?"

"I learned quick how to read your body language," she said, smirking at him. "What's got you so tense, huh?" she asked, a little louder once Drake had left. 

He continued sketching out a plan for the shelves, his eyes trained on the paper. "I never thought I'd be President," he admitted. "I never thought Fury would do the things he'd do, that he'd betray the club so easily."

"All that matters is that you're making the club better, better than it ever was," she said, looking at him with the smallest of smiles. "Fury will regret the day he betrayed the club."

"He's your brother," Frank said, looking up at her finally. "If he attacks the club he will die. It might even be by my hand, could you look at me the same if I did that?"

"There is nothing in the whole goddamn world that could change the way I feel about you, Frank," she said. "Fury was gone most of my life. All he could manage to do, since the moment I knew him, was leave. He is not my family. This club is more of a family and I want to have a family of my own, one day, with you."

The vision from his dream came flashing back and a smile stretched on his face, hidden behind the mask. "You're one hell of a woman."

"And you're one hell of a man, Slipknot," she retorted, winking at him and returning back to the bike she was working on. 

Fury was not going to get a chance to ruin this. Not when he was so close to having something so beautiful. 

Fury will regret ever betraying the club.

Hello everyone! 

Just as I anticipated, I updated one last time. I am returning home today for the weekend and will be unable to update until Sunday or even Monday. Thank you all for your amazing comments and your support, I appreciate every single one of you.

Please continue to vote and comment, it helps me out a lot. Have a great weekend!

Until next time,
D. M. Brightwell

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