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"Where are you going?" Charlie whined to Frank, trying to reach out to him as he left his seated position on the bed. She made a move to get up but he turned and pointed a finger at her, stopping her movements.

"Do not get out of that bed," he told her sternly. "Your bandages need to be changed again."

She remained in his bed, sitting there like a little kid after they'd been scolded. 

Charlie was discharged from the hospital almost a week ago now. After she had regained consciousness that night the doctors were able to run thorough tests and monitor her and two days later she got to leave. Frank, however, took her condition extremely serious even though this had been the first time he was taking care of someone. 

The doctor had informed her to change her bandages and clean her stitches daily, up until she has to get them removed. He also told her to take it easy and not strain herself, no sudden movements, no lifting anything, no prolonged periods of walking, etc. Charlie brushed it off, nodding her head just so she could leave the hospital, but Frank took it all very seriously. 

Charlie fought it at first. She tried to tell him she was alright and she could manage it herself, but, before she knew it, he had forced her to rest in his bed so he could keep an eye on her. 

During this time, Charlie was able to see a completely different side of Frank. Although he's a giant and can be extremely intimidating and is known for how lethal he is, he was so gentle and careful as he tried his best to take care of her. 

He returned with the first-aid kit he was given by the rest of the members, pulling a chair up beside the bed and placing the kit beside her. He opened it up and looked up at her.

She smiled at him, letting out a little chuckle. "Has anyone ever told you you're adorable?" she questioned, holding out one of her injured arms to him.

He grunted, gently holding her arm with one hand and the other hand slowly unwrapping the bandage, careful not to cause her any unnecessary pain. The stitched wound was soon revealed, churning his gut. It made him upset seeing these wounds, wounds he should've gotten instead of her but he cleaned them, nonetheless. "This is the worst part," he always warned her just before he took a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol to the cut. 

Her jaw clenched and her other hand clutched the sheet. Once he finished that, he placed a thin coat of anti-bacterial ointment over it and put gauze on top. He wrapped bandage around it, ensuring it wasn't to tight and securing it with medical tape. 

He did this with all her other stitched wounds, her other wounds practically almost healed. Lastly was the deep wound on her thigh which had scraped her femoral artery but was easily fixed due to the knife being left in her leg until she was taken to the hospital. 

It still took about thirty stitches on the wound and had left an awful bruise as big as a grapefruit around it. 

The worst thing about this process was not the discomfort from cleaning the wounds, it was Frank's feather like touches. Up her arms and wrists were easy to ignore, but her thigh; she struggled. 

Frank was constantly upset from seeing her injuries over and over, but the tank top and underwear combo and her bare skin constantly tested his strength. 

He tried to keep his contact with her skin minimum to respect her body, but the moments he had to touch her directly, skin-to-skin, he had to muster up extra strength. 

She's injured, pull yourself together idiot, he kept trying to tell himself, trying to ignore any other feelings. 

However, the wound on her thigh was always left last and had managed to bother both of them the same way, without either knowing. He looked up at Charlie, allowing her to pull the cover back to expose her bare legs. 

Frank fought the urge to look anywhere else but her injury, keeping his eyes trained on it. 

"Frank, hurry," Charlie whined, causing his eyes to look back up at her. Her face was red from embarrassment, her eyes silently begging him. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep his cool and only nodded, looking back to the injury and continuing the same process for the other ones. 

His fingers grazed her upper thighs often causing her to bite her tongue as to distract herself. 

He's tending to your wounds, why are you getting so hot and bothered? She fought with herself, shutting her eyes to avoid watching the beautiful movements of the man she loved. 

"Lift your leg," he suddenly said, his voice deep and forcing her eyes open as she looked down at him. His steel eyes looked right at her, through his mask, and her face flushed even more from the image before her. 

Slowly, she bent her knee, wincing at the obvious soreness in her thigh. Seeing her discomfort, his hand grabbed the underneath side of her thigh, out of reflex, trying to ease her pain. This, however, seemed to make Charlie flush further, whimpering at the pain in her thigh.

He looked up at her, seeing her eyes shut tight, cheeks red, eyebrows furrowed, and her teeth biting her bottom lip. He looked away from her face, the heat rising on his neck.

"Stay still," he said, fueling her embarrassment.

He grabbed the bandage and began wrapping it around her thigh, using his one hand while the other remained gripping the underneath of her thigh, just above the back of her knee. 

She suddenly let out a whimper after he had accidentally brushed the wound, causing him to cease his movements.

"Are you okay?" he asked her and she nodded her eyes still shut.

He finished quickly and secured it with medical tape, gently letting her thigh down. He stared down at her bare legs for a moment, her thighs melting into the bed and smoother than anything he'd felt in his life.

He turned his gaze away, grabbing the first aid kit and setting it back in his bathroom. "Rest," he told her. "I'll be back later with food."

Before he could hear her response he left, shutting the door tightly behind him. He stopped halfway down the hall, taking a deep breath. He needed to pull himself together.

Oh the sexual tension.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I will continue updating in my spare time.

Also, since some of you guys got worried yesterday; Charlie is going to stay alive. I wouldn't kill her and do Frank dirty like that. 

Let's just be real, Frank deserves the world.

Anyway, I love you all! Please continue to take care of yourselves and be safe. Please continue to vote and comment as well, it helps me out a lot.

With care,
D. M. Brightwell

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