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Franks suspicions were correct, this army Fury had built was not only great in number but every single member, from what he could tell, was someone with some form of vendetta against him. 

"You killed my brother, Devil," one man said, gripping Frank's throat. "And tonight, you're gonna die too."

This man and all the others he passed as he was drug through this abandoned prison. Men hollered at him, screamed horrible words, they pushed and shoved him, hit him and kicked him as he was taken to the far end of the massive building. 

From what Frank could count, there were easily 40-50 men, 15 more stationed outside and the rest at random points inside the building. There was too many men for the Saints to deal with, it would be a suicide mission. Finally, after walking through this place for what seemed like forever, they arrived to a secluded part of the prison where a single metal door sat. They opened it, the metal door creaking and whining as they pushed him into the room, throwing him onto a metal chair and tying his ankles to the chair and tying the ties already around his wrists to the chair. 

He jerked towards one of the men, chuckling as they flinched away from him. This, however, caused the same man to land a punch on him, only causing Frank to laugh more. "I can't wait to watch you suffer, Devil."

The men left the room and Frank continued to chuckle, until he heard some muffled voice, his head jerking up. He saw Charlie, finally noticing she was tied down to a chair in front of him, a bandanna in her mouth and her eyes pooling with tears.

"What a surprise to find you here," he joked, his voice deep and stoic. 

Just then, he watched as she jerked her head around, finally getting the bandanna out of her mouth and glaring at him. "How the fuck can you joke right now?"

He shrugged. "Are you hurt?"

She stared at him, tears running down her face one after the other. His chest ached watching her cry but he held himself together. "Sorry I came so late."

"You should've never came!" she said, the tears never ending.

"You didn't actually think I wouldn't."

Before she could answer, slow clapping stopped her, causing the both of them to be quiet. "Well, I have to say," Fury said, laughing hysterically. "You two already bicker like a married couple."

"Let him go Fury," Charlie snapped, causing him to grab her jaw roughly, Frank immediately jerking against the restraints.

"Now, why would I do such a thing?" Fury asked, forcefully letting go of her jaw. "The fun hasn't even begun yet."

"Leave him out of this, Fury," Charlie said, her voice much weaker now.

"Fury you bastard, don't lay another hand on her," Frank growled.

"Oh?" he dared. "What are you going to do, Frankie? You gonna kill me?"

"I just might."

Just then, he pulled out a knife and slashed her arm, Charlie wincing. Frank watched as blood trickled down her arm and he jerked against his restraints again. "Undo these restraints and fight me for real, Fury."

"Why would I do such a thing?" 

Frank gritted his teeth. 

Fury chuckled lightly, digging the knife into her other arm, Charlie shutting her eyes tightly. 

"You fucking coward!" Frank snapped.

"I'm gonna hurt you more than any gunshot wound or knife wound ever will," Fury said, tapping the blood-covered end of his knife on his mask. "The funny thing about it is--" he moved back over to Charlie, placing a hand on her shoulder. "--I won't even have to touch you."

Frank began to jerk against the restraints even harder, scooting the chair around, trying to muster up all his strength to rip his hands or legs from the tight rope but nothing budged. 

"Bring me the kit," Fury called to one of his men outside the door, them entering with a folded leather case. 

Fury grabbed it and placed it on a little table, opening the case and revealing the neatly polished torture devices, although they looked more like dental equipment. 

"Let her go!" Frank snapped, his wrists beginning to bleed from tugging at the restraints relentlessly. "Goddammit, Fury! I'm the one you want! Let her go!"

"No can do, Frankie," he said, chuckling lightly to himself. "I'm gonna carve her like a pumpkin."

Frank grunted and scooted his chair, causing Fury to nod to a few of his man, forcing them to hold his chair back. 

"It's amazing, this whole time the one unanswered question I had is what held this entire operation back," Fury began, grabbing one of the tools and walking around Charlie's chair. "How do you torture the Devil himself? It seemed like a question that had no answer."

He chuckled horribly, digging the sharp tool into the deep cut he gave her earlier, Charlie whimpering in pain. "I mean, how do you torture the Devil? I've seen your work, I've seen you walk back from the cruelest of situations completely fine, as if nothing had happened."

He dug the tool deeper into her cut and Charlie cried out, Frank jerking violently against the restraints, the men having to hold him back even tighter as the chair began to move again. 

"But then, my own sister became the answer. How poetic. I knew she'd never join me and our dad so, eventually, she would've had to been dealt with. But this--" he chuckled happily. "I just killed two birds with one stone."

"Let her go, Fury!" Frank shouted.

"This is going to be fun."

He ripped the tool out of her arm, another scream erupting past her lips. 

Now this was something Frank could've never foretold.

Hello everyone!

I got extremely busy there with school starting online so I apologize for that! My health has been taking a dive recently as well which has made things exceedingly hard. 

I do, however, missed writing this story so much and hope to have another update soon. Thank you all so very much for your support!

Also! If you did not see my announcement, I created a Twitter account where I will be posting updates on when I am working on updates for my stories so you guys have more of a heads up! I will also be posting some artwork and retweeting weird stuff.

If you're interested in following me please follow me: Red_Pineapple6

(If you have trouble finding me, search "red pineapple" > click "people"> and I should be the 11th profile down with the username Red_Pineapple6, my profile picture is a drawing of me with a pink and red background for reference)

Thank you all so much for your support! Please continue to vote and comment, it helps me out a lot :)

With care,
D. M. Brightwell

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