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"You fucking bastards!" Charlie screamed each time one of her brothers' henchman came in, causing them all hell and making them resent having to step foot into the room she was tied in.

"Shut your damn mouth!" shouted Fury as he came storming in, beyond annoyed with how much she's been screaming and raising her voice. 

She glared at him, her eyes holding pure rage. "How about you let me go so I can fuck you up," she seethed, beyond pissed.

He stomped over to her, like a little toddler throwing a tantrum, and grabbed her jaw roughly, squeezing it so tightly causing her to wince. She continued to glare at him even while he was right in her face. "Don't you know?" he began, smirking. "Fists never win in a gun fight," just then, she could feel the cool metal of a gun press against her abdomen where her torn shirt had exposed. She remained deathly still but not once did her glare falter.

"Go ahead," she tempted him, her voice muffled from his death grip on her jaw. "Shoot me."

"You gotta stay alive long enough for us to lure your boyfriend here," he said, roughly removing his grip from her jaw. "He should be getting word any minute now from our boys and he'll come running like a worthless dog and fall right into our trap."

"Fucking bastard!" she snapped again, roughly jerking her wrists against the restraints, feeling her skin break and the blood drip, but her movements didn't falter.

He pointed his gun at her, her movements stopping. "All that talk and you're suddenly afraid of my gun now?" he questioned. "You're just as pathetic as that mutt."

Just then, one of his goons came in and forced a bandanna in her mouth, tying it extremely tight and leaving, Fury still standing there with his gun pointed at her, smiling like this was the greatest moment of his life.

"Now that I have been thinking," he said, suddenly swinging his gun around. "Torturing him in front of you is exactly what he wants. He doesn't want you to get hurt," he circled around her chair, his hand resting on her shoulder and his mouth lowering to her ear. "Torturing you in front of him will cause him more pain than any cut or gunshot wound."

Just like that, he began strutting out of the room and she struggled against her restraints again, screaming through the bandanna in her mouth but making no noticeable sounds. She was beyond worried. If Frank came here, they would kill him. They've been planning this for way too long, they're ready. They're more than ready. Every man working with them have some form of grudge against Frank or the club, he would be walking right into the wolf's den.

The worst about all of this was that there was nothing she could do. The restraints never budged, at this rate her hands would come off before the ropes would snap. Now, her mouth was covered so she couldn't scream or cry out and she had no weapon and no way out and absolutely no way to warn Frank.

Tears pooled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. She sobbed against the bandanna, getting more and more frustrated as time slowly passed. 

She hated being so helpless.

"How's it coming along?" Frank asked, entering the garage to find the group of members working on some welding in the back for their surprise trap on Fury.

"Only a few more adjustments," Leo confirmed. "Any word from the pussy?"

"Not yet," Frank said, crossing his arms over his chest. He was agitated. He was on edge. He was worried. He was already boiling over with rage that they've had Charlie for this long, if he found out they had done any harm to her blood would be spilled.

Well, regardless, blood shall be spilled.

"Modifications to your new bike Charlie worked on are done," Drake said, nudging him with his elbow. "Listen, Frank, we're all worried. Charlie has done a lot for this club and for you. We respect her more than we've ever respected Fury. We will be right by your side for this."

"I need you here at the club," he suddenly said, Drake's eyes widening.

"No fucking way!" he said, running a hand through his unruly hair. "I'm going with you, have the other members stay behind."

"Once they give word they'll make me go alone," Frank began, explaining the situation in full to him. "Leo's working on a tiny micro-gps I can hide on me. Leo's also working on hooking up a tiny camera on me so you can navigate through whatever place they're hiding and to know how many men he's got. The minute they get me tied up a handful of you guys will come and blast through the place. I need men here in case Fury tries any dirty tricks, like destroying the club while you're all there."

"Make someone else stay, I'm not. I'm going with the handful of guys to blast through that place," Drake said. "You can shove an exhaust pipe up my urethra all you want but I'm going."

"Fine," Frank said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No need to throw a tantrum, you can go."

"You must be in good spirits if you can crack jokes like that," Drake said, smirking at him.

Frank sighed, removing his hand from his shoulder. "Fury's reign will end. All of this will end and we can finally get to functioning like a club again."

"You don't have to hold back around me Frank," Drake said, nudging him with his elbow and wiggling his eyebrows at him. "We all know you can't wait to get Charlie back."

"That's a given."

Just then, Cobra came rushing into the garage right up to Frank. "We got word," he said, nodding his head to him. "Fury gave his message."

"Get ready boys," Frank called, a few of the members whistling and rushing to get their shit together. "This ends tonight."

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for your patience with me. It means the world! I love writing this story so much and, spoiler, I think I might go back (once I finish it) and expand and edit it.

Thank you all for your endless support, I'm hoping to update again soon. Please continue to vote and comment, it helps me out a bunch.

With love,
D. M. Brightwell

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