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"Alright you assholes, settle down," Drake called, standing by the bar as the members swarmed and buzzed, murmuring things to each other and now staring at Drake. "This is a very important meeting, not very often the Pres calls for everyone to witness."

Even the forefathers were there, standing on one half of the room while the rest of the members stood on the other half. 

"I mean, when's the last time all of us have stood in the same room together?" Drake said, the men looking at each other. "It's been a long time, that's for sure."

"Come on Drake, get on with it," said one of the men, the rest agreeing in unison. 

"Shut up all of you's," Frank finally said, appearing beside Drake. The rest of the men whooped and hollered, silencing after a moment. 

"Why we all gathered like cattle, Pres?" Cobra shouted from the back, the rest murmuring among each other.

"I'm gonna get to that," Frank said, crossing his arms over his chest. "If none of you have realized, things are going to be changin' around here."

They were all silent, they all watched their President, their heads held high with pride. For once, they felt apart of the club and not slaves to it, they felt welcomed and more unified than they ever did before. Their respect for Frank was always high but it sky-rocketed the minute he became President. 

"First changes begin with the Forefathers," Frank said, his eyes darting towards the group of old men, watching their backs straighten and their chests puff. "They will now be required to actively participate in the club until officially retired."

Some clicked their tongues and Frank snapped his head in their direction, their mouths shutting. 

"You've spent enough time enjoying your Haven, don't you think?" Drake said, standing beside Frank proudly. 

"The Forefathers helped build the Saints, but it's always left to the future generation to keep it in tact. We could use different the Forefathers past experiences and wisdom," Frank said, his eyes trained on them. "And let us all not forget that once you are a Saint, you will remain one until established otherwise. It is about time the Forefathers remember that."

The old men gritted their teeth but nodded in agreement. They knew something like this was going to arise and Frank was right. They had become Saints and will remain Saints. 

"You have our word," Max said, nodding his head to Frank.

"Secondly," Frank continued. "We will be recruiting new members and expanding the clubhouse." Many men whooped and hollered at this, looking to each other with joy and slapping each others backs. "We will all witness when a new member is recruited, if not everyone is present they will not enter the clubhouse. You all have as much of a voice in the club as I do."

With that single comment, the room went silent. They watched Frank stand in the center of the room looking like a true leader and not like a boss. He was one of their equals, this title and position only gave him a few other abilities than the rest but it was up to the club to decide the majority. It was something Fury had never practiced before. The Saint's had gotten used to being treated like useless droids, nodding their heads to whatever Fury had told them to do. 

"Thirdly," Frank continued, placing his hand on Drake's shoulder. "Drake will be training you all and the new recruits."

"What the hell?" many of the men said, the room erupting in disbelief.

Drake snapped his head over at Frank, chuckling weakly. "What the hell are you doing?" Drake mumbled. "We didn't agree to that."

"Drake is highly skilled as many of you are unaware of because he's only ever been working in the Garage with me," Frank explained, the room silencing. "Don't get all pissy on me, you all know you could use the extra practice and strength and Drake is the one man I trust for that job. Understood?"

They nodded, staring at Drake. "Since when did our little boy get such a reputation?" said Cobra, stepping up to ruffle Drake's hair.

"I ain't that young," Drake snapped, brushing Cobra's hand away. 

"How do you know Drake's so skilled?" said one of the men, the rest murmuring in agreement.

"Let me ask this," Frank began. "Have any of you been on a mission with him or seen him with anyone on a mission?" They all thought about it for a moment, coming to the conclusion that they hadn't. "Not even Fury knew. But I know. Do you question my judgement?"

"Well shit, Frank, if you're recommending him then we ain't gonna question it," said one of the members the rest nodding their heads.

"Good," Frank said, crossing his arms over his chest. "And there's one final thing."

"How many changes ye gonna do to the club?" Ryan said, a few chuckling.

"It's another addition," Frank said. "I think it's about time we have something this club hasn't had in a long time."

"Apartments?" one said, the rest laughing quietly. 

"A queen," Frank said, the room going deathly silent. 

"Way to kill the crowd, Frank," Charlie said, emerging from the back and wrapping an arm around his waist. 

"You fucker," Drake said, his eyes wide. "You popped the question?"

"Yeah, unexpectedly too, for that matter," Charlie said, smiling widely. 

"Shit Frank, we don't need a witness for that. Anyone would be stupid to reject her as queen," said Ryan.

"We witness," Max stepped forward, everyone else in the room repeating the same phrase immediately afterwards, nodding their heads.

"Enough of this serious shit!" Drake said, grabbing a bottle of champagne from behind the bar and popping the cap. "Let's celebrate!"

"Yeah!" they all hollered, the music starting and the men grabbing glasses after glasses of alcohol, joining together as they always should've.

"You did pretty good," Charlie said, looking up at Frank, smiling at him. 

He scoffed. "Nice entrance ya had there."

"Hey, hey. I didn't wanna spoil it by standing there during your entire speech," she said. "The spotlight was on you, as it always should've been."

"It's gonna be on us pretty soon here," he said. "As it should be."

And there was no question about it. There was no denying it. The Saint's were about to get the spotlight they deserved and Charlie and Frank were going to get the happiness they deserved.

As they should.

The End and the Beginning

Hello everyone!

T^T Not me crying the entire time I wrote this chapter...

I hope you all enjoyed this series as much as I did. I am getting a new computer soon and will be thoroughly editing this story and creating my manuscript to publish it. My goal is still by summer so please continue to keep track of my announcements or my Twitter!

I cannot even begin to say thank you for each and every single on of your guys' support. Truly this has been one of my favorite stories to write and I am so glad it has brought many of you great happiness. 

I write to bring others joy, as much as it brings myself joy, so it is always so uplifting when I find that you all enjoy it as much as I hoped you would. 

It would mean a lot to me if you continued to follow the rest of the series. I will be actively publishing and releasing new chapters for Dragon so stay tuned for those. 

I also want to apologize for how long it took me to publish this final chapter, my life has been nothing but chaos. I will be moving soon and I start class again next week and work has been busy for the holidays but now things are (sort of) calming down.

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and I wish you all a Happy New Year. Thank you all so much again, it means the world to me.

With Care,

D. M. Brightwell

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