Chapter 22: Rodeo

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"Hey, Dad, I know it's been too long... I'm doing good, and so is Nikki." I say into the cream hotel phone. I nervously twirl the line as I wait for him to ask how the baby is. 

"Tour hasn't been too rough on you, right? Everything is okay with baby Sixx, as Nikki calls her." He says with a laugh from the other line. 

"So, um, I meant to call you when it happened, but I couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to wait until I was off the tour, but I knew I couldn't get around not calling you the whole tour... I had a miscarriage." 

The line is silent for a minute. I expected him to have an immediate answer of "WHAT?" or something, but no. 

"I told you not to go on tour. Why are you being irresponsible? I haven't said anything because I want you to be happy, but you aren't being an adult like you should be, Melody. Nikki doesn't seem to have been a very good influence on you; I expect better from you. Why didn't you listen to the doctor?" 

"I-I was assaulted, Dad. It wasn't being on tour; it wasn't my fault! Nikki had nothing to do with it, okay? He has been there for me through everything, he was the one who got me help. I could have been hurt really bad, but no, I'm an irresponsible little girl." I feel tears burn my eyes; he has never talked to me like that before. 

"I didn't know that, I'm sorry." 

"Exactly, you didn't know! You jumped the gun, you have never acted like that with me before, how long were you waiting? How long were you waiting to tell me that I'm not your daughter either?" Oh shit... that just came out. 

"What? You are my daughter, Melody, who is feeding you that shit?" He demands. 

"Well, I had a man approach me the night of my birthday with pictures and a birth certificate with his name on it." The line goes quiet again; I got him or shocked him at least. 

"I have been your dad since you were born," He says before taking a pause, "You aren't biologically my daughter, but I adopted you. My name isn't on the birth certificate because your biological dad demanded to be on it, I felt that it was his right to be. But, I adopted you, I always considered you to be 100% my daughter, because you are." 

I sit with my mouth open from shock; my whole life feels like a lie. My dad isn't really my dad? 

"Melody, are you there?" 

"Y-yeah, I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later." 

His quiet protests diminish as I hang up the phone. That was probably the worst phone call I've had in my life, that I can remember, at least. I stare at the phone number Nikki got from the man that night, I don't know if I should call him or not. I could ignore the whole situation, maybe it will all go away, and I can pretend that everything is normal. This tour is almost over, I have debated on tagging along for the tour with Ozzy, but I really don't want to impose. I know it can't be that much fun having your girlfriend tag along on tour with you. 

I just don't know if I could face Dad for a while, I haven't had enough time to process this... I haven't even given my... dad- biological dad a chance to talk. Maybe I could talk to Nikki about it, or I could just ignore the whole situation, like I said before. My first 18 years of living were spent with Dave as my father, he raised me, and he is the one who introduced me to rock and metal. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, but I feel betrayed that no one even thought to tell me about this. The door closing shakes me out of my thoughts, Nikki walks in, coming back from a tour meeting. 

"Did, you call your dad?" He asks, taking off his jacket and grabbing a bottle of Jack from his suitcase. 


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