Chapter 35: Poison Apples

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"Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, wake up!" I exclaim, shaking him awake. "Mm, stop." He groans. "It's Halloween! We have to get costumes for the party tonight!" "Oh... yeah." "Come on, you promised me that we could get up early to go." I pout. "I know, I did. Give me like five more minutes, then pour water on me, I don't care." I roll my eyes and flop back down in bed on my back. I'll give him five minutes, then he's getting pushed off the bed. Man, waiting 5 minutes feels like an eternity. "I'll show you my boobs if you get up." I say as an incentive. "I get to see them anyway." "You're no fun." I roll my eyes. They have a big Halloween party tonight, and their concert is going to be so fucking awesome. We have put off getting costumes until the very last minute, per usual, but I want to look amazing. "Melody, get me a rig." Nikki says, still very groggy. I get one from his suitcase and hand it to him, watching him go through all of them motions for probably the 1,000th time. He has started taking drugs more now, so has the rest of the band, actually. It kind of concerns me, I feel like they're going down a bad road they don't want to be on. "Want some?" He asks. But yet, I do them too, so who am I to talk? "Sure." I've started shooting myself up recently; the track marks on my arms are embarrassing, a reminder that I am a junkie. If I'm not joining in on the fun, then I'm missing out, right? "Okay, so, where are we going to get costumes at? Like what is our theme?" He asks. "I'm not sure... I was kind of thinking like circus meets serial killer meets sex." "That sounds very interesting." He laughs. "Yeah like you could be a demented ring leader, and I could be a sexy acrobat." "I kind of like that... it's different." "It takes a different mind to think of these things. I am very weird." I giggle. "I'm weird too, that's why we're so good together." I wish that were the case, and it is, for the most part. Sexually, no. But we are engaged, it will get better, I know it... or I think so, anyway. Nikki was drunk a couple nights ago and he smacked me because I upset him. I told him that he should stop drinking because he was already completely shit faced, and I took his drink from him. So he called me boring, and said that I'm not the same person that he asked to marry, and when I defended myself, he slapped me. But it's the only time it's happened, I think he was just drunk and upset. I told him that it better never happen again, he apologized when he started to sober up. I just want things to go back to normal. I want Mallory to go back to normal, and Mick too, he's been dealing with her and he just isn't himself lately. Tommy and Vince have been more asshole than usual, and Nikki is just... I don't even know what to say there. "Okay, so the receptionist told me there are a couple Halloween/costume stores in town. We could go to them and look for the costumes we want. We could even put them together ourselves if we have to." He says. "Okay, that sounds good. We should leave soon since it's already noon." "Damn, this is early for me," he laughs, "I'll be ready in like 10 minutes." He gives me a kiss, then walks off to the bathroom. Right now, he's in a really good mood, so that gives me hope. I'm always hopeful when he's happy, but then, something always happens. Nothing bad will happen today, I won't let anything bad happen today; it's Halloween. It's the big party, and we all are going to fucking have fun. I hear a knock at the door, so I open it to some girl. "Is Nikki here?" She asks. "Who are you?" "I'm Marissa, now let me talk to him." "I am his fiancé, so you better fucking tell me what you're going here." "Hey, Mel, calm down. This is just Marissa from the bar we went to last night. I left my sunglasses here, she's just giving them back." Nikki says. She hands him the sunglasses and gives me a look before walking away. I feel so embarrassed, but she could have been anyone! He could be fucking her, I wouldn't know. I wouldn't want to know. "Mel!" I hear down the hall. I look out and see Mallory running towards our room. "What?" "You have to help me." She pants. "Help you with what?" "Me and Mick have been fighting, and he made me so mad, I pushed him, and he hit his head and he won't wake up. I don't know what to do." "Why did you do that?" Nikki asks. "I-I don't know, I just got so angry and I didn't want him near me." He shakes his head and walks off to the elevator with us following behind. I don't know if I should feel sorry for Mallory or not. When we get to their room, Mick is laying on the floor, holding the back of his head with his hand. "Oh, honey, are you okay?" Mallory asks, crouching next to him. "Don't fucking touch me." "But, Mick, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you, it just came over me, I don't know what's wrong with me." "Do you have a concussion?" Nikki asks. "I don't think so... I just have a pounding headache right now. I have been through worse, I'll be alright." "Are you sure, baby?" Mallory asks. "Yes, I'm fine." He rolls his eyes. I feel so bad for him... at least Nikki has never done that to me, he's never knocked me out. I was so scared that Mick would be dead, I don't know what I would do then. "Okay, let's give Mick some space," Nikki says, "We have to get our costumes anyway." "Okay... don't forget that you can call Doc if you need him, feel better."

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