chapter 3

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The next day, the bruises that George received had gone down a lot, and the cuts no longer required bandaging. Though the pain had gone down as well, he still hurt like hell. Once dressed, he picked up his bag and walked down to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and took the advil out of the medicine cabinet. He took two advil out and swallowed them both down with the water.

"Hey, are you okay?" George heard a voice ask. He tuned around to see the new kid. He hadn't noticed this before, but he has a lovely voice.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." George stuttered out. "I'm George by the way."

"Richard." They shook hands at that, officially meeting.


At lunch George introduced Richard to John and Paul.

"So this is the Alpha our Georgie has been talking so fondly about." John said, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Oh?" Richard questioned, causing George's face to change color to a dark shade of red.

"Oh yeah." Started Paul. "Yesterday he had a dreamy look in his eye as he told us about how you pulled a knife out on Pete, and he had the same look on his face last class he told about you took him to your house, even though your parents didn't approve of a male omega. Your his night in shining armour."

George was now a darker shade of red. He now regretted telling his only two friends about Richard.

"I'm sorry about my friends." George apologized, avoiding any and all eye contact.

"No, don't apologize George. I think that it's kinda cute that you told your friends about me. Makes me feel special for once."


"Yeah. May parents were happy that I was a male alpha. If I weren't they would've given me up for adoption or drown me in a river."

"Well, if you were an omega, and if your parents didn't drown you, you'd wish that they would've. I consider being only sexually harassed a good day. Male omegas and female Alphas usually live out there days with no one to share there life with, and I've made my peace with being alone for the rest of my days. John and Paul here are lucky that they've found each other, and they keep telling me that I will find someone to spend my time with, but I know that it's just empty hope."

The whole table was quiet and starring at George, who was ignoring their looks of shock and eating his food. The rest of lunch was quiet. George didn't talk to Paul, John, or Richard for the rest of the day, and luckily Pete didn't bother him today.

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