Being used

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~Akira's pov~

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock from my phone. I grabbed it from my nightstand and shut it off. I got up from my bed to grab my attire for today which was a maroon oversized sleeveless high neck crop top, black leather jacket white headphones, black jean pants, and white high top sneakers. I went to my bathroom to get ready, brush my teeth, and do my hair. I made two braids on each side of my hair and tied them into a small ponytail. After getting ready, I packed my stuff in my backpack including my tablet and song book. I quickly ran downstairs to grab breakfast and the bento box I prepared last night.

My parents aren't really home all the time since my mom works as a doctor full time and my dad is the CEO of a phone company. My parent's don't really know much about my life since they are always so busy.

Today is Monday and the weekend felt like a vacation. Right now, I can't wait to see my friend Hideki Daishi; we've been friends since my freshman year. 

Once I arrived to my highschool, I saw Daishi walking in with her little brother Sami. 

"Hey Daishi!" I said

"Oh hey, Akira. How was your break?" said Daishi

"It was great. How was yours and Sami's?" I said to Sami.

"It was good. We didn't do much, but it was good," said Sami

"Well, Sami didn't do much. I hung out with Ellie, Ashuri, and Anji," said Daishi

Ok, so Ellie, Ashuri, and Anji are Daishi's friends, but they are also the girls that bully me. 

"That's cool," I said, but in my head I was barfing internally.

"Yeah, it was fun. We should get going, we wouldn't want to be late for class," said Daishi

"Yeah," I said

~No one's pov~

My first class is Language; I love Language. Not because I'm acing that class, but because of the teacher. His name is Karion Horuhe and he is the coolest teacher ever, besides my music teacher and my science teacher.

"Alright class, settle down now. Before we begin today's lesson, I have an announcement. Since we've been studying about poetry, I want you all to write a poem. You all get to choose the theme you want and I will let you choose what type of poem you can write. You all have two months to do this and if you fail this project then you will not pass. Please do your best, this is supposed to be a fun project," said Horuhe-sensei


Once lunch came around, Akira went to the cafeteria with her bento box so she can meet up with Daishi. Once she arrived, Daishi was nowhere to be seen so Akira decide to sit and wait. After what seemed like 20 minutes, she lost her patience of waiting for Daishi and she began eating. Akira was halfway done eating until this guy from my science class named Ezura Erin and Sami came up to my table.

"Hey guys, what's up," said Akira

"Akira we need to ask you something," said Erin

"Ok, what is it," said Akira

"Do you see Daishi as a true friend," said Erin

"Well, she's my only friend so of course I do, why," said Akira

"It's because Erin and I were walking together to the cafeteria and we overheard Daishi talking bad about you to Ellie, Ashuri, and Anji," said Sami

"You can't be serious. Sami please tell me this is just one of your stupid pranks, no offense," said Akira

"None taken," said Sami

"Akira this is no joke. Look, I recorded everything she said about you," said Erin as he took his phone out and handed it to Akira.

Right now Akira was shocked with what she was hearing. These were words coming from the only person that wanted to be her friend.

"Where's Daishi," said Akira

"We overheard her say to Ellie, Ashuri, and Anji if they could all go eat there lunch outside instead of eating it in the cafeteria," said Sami

"Let's go," said Akira and left with both boys.

Once they were outside, the three saw Daishi with Akira's bullies.

"Daishi!" said Akira which caught the attention of the four girls

"What the heck is wrong with you!" said Akira

"What are you talking about," said Daishi 

"Sami and Erin told me everything you said about me," said Akira

"Sami how could you," said Daishi

"How could you Daishi, I thought we were friends," said Akira

"Yeah, well she isn't baka," said Ashuri

"She's been faking this whole time, stupid," said Ellie

"Daishi is that true," said Akira

"It is actually," said Daishi

"Why, why did you become friends with me in the first place," said Akira

"Because I was failing in my music class," said Daishi

"Oh, I get it now. You were using me," said Akira

"And not just that, but you helped her out in other classes as well," said Anji

"How pathetic," said Ashuri

"I know right, she's so blind," said Ellie

"Aw look, Akira looks like she's about to cry,"  said Ashuri

"Why don't you all just go to hell!" shouted Akira which caused an awkward silence. Akira left to go back inside before her next class begins.


 After school ended, Akira walked home with her headphones over her ears. She was listening to Bring it on by Rin and Len Kagamine. Once she arrived home, she went up to her room to go to sleep; she felt tired for some reason. Akira took off her shoes and leather jacket as she laid down on her bed, but didn't remove her headphones. Instead she kept them on to listen to a certain blue haired Vocaloid who goes by the name Kaito Shion. On Youtube, she played a cover song sung by Kaito called rolling girl and then closed her eyes and began dreaming.

So this part of the story is based off on a little bit of my Sophomore year. I had a friend who was friends with me and this other girl during our Freshman year, but our friend ended up graduating and it was just the two of us. Then later she ended up becoming friends with these three girls who would bully me and then 2 months ago we stopped talking. The only people that would talk to me at sometimes were these two boys. It was this guy who was in the same English, Algebra 2, and Science class as me and my friends brother. But I'm ok now, I hope you guys are liking it so far.

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