Meeting them

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~Akira's pov~

Today was finally the weekend and I was happy for two reasons. Reason 1: On the weekends, my parent's work at 6:00 a.m. and don't come back till 12:30 a.m. Reason 2: my new job in Sapporo; whatever this job is. I already texted Itoh Hiroyuki that I am able to go to Sapporo. After I finished getting ready and ate breakfast, I left to the metro station with my backpack and wallet.


It was already lunch time and I had just finally arrived to Sapporo. I walked out of the metro station, but I couldn't find Hiroyuki. So I texted him asking if he was already here and he told me that he sent his chauffeur to pick me up.

"Excuse me, are you Amiyama Akira?" said ???

"Yes, who are you?" I said

"I am Itoh Hiroyuki's chauffeur. He told me to pick you up. If you don't believe me I can show you proof that I am his chauffeur," said Hiroyuki's chauffeur

"No don't worry, I can tell your telling the truth," I said and he lead me to the limo. He opened the door for me and when I entered, he closed it and drove off to where Hiroyuki's business was located.

After a while we arrived to this ; I'm really eager to see what it looks like from the inside. The chauffeur opened the door for me and once I got out, he told me that Hiroyuki is waiting for me inside. I walked ahead and opened the door of the building and saw Hiroyuki waiting.

"Nice to see you again, Akira," said Hiroyuki

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Hiroyuki. This is a really nice building. What is this business anyway?" I said

"This is Crypton Future Media. Now follow me to my office. I have another surprise for you," said Hiroyuki

"Ok," I said and we took the elevator to his office.

~No one's pov~

"What do you think Master is going to show us," said Rin as she looked at the view.

"Who knows, maybe it's another meeting," said Len as he was playing a game on his phone.

"Maybe he'll give us a vacation," said Gumi

"Why do you say that," said Meiko

"When was the last time we all had a vacation, hmm," said Gumi

"She makes a good point you know. We've all been working so hard, I think we do deserve one," said Kaito

"Oh come one you guys. You know that vacation won't happen for a while," said Luka and the door opened revealing Hiroyuki and Akira which brought everyone's attention to her.

"Hello Vocaloids," said Hiroyuki

"Hello Master," said the Vocaloids simultaneously.

"Who is this girl, Master?" said Miku

"Everyone meet Amiyama Akira," said Hiroyuki

"Hello Vocaloids, it's such an honor meeting you all. I'm a big fan of your work," said Akira

"Alright Akira, have a seat next to Kaito. I need to speak to you all," said Hiroyuki and she did.

"I'm Kaito, but you probably already knew that," said Kaito

"I'm Akira," said Akira

"Nice to meet you," said Kaito

"Master is she going to be a new member?" said Kiyoteru

"Yes, Akira has so much potential in what she does. She isn't just going to sing and dance though. Akira, your also going to compose the Vocaloids music," said Hiroyuki

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