I'm in love

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~Akira's pov~

After the we finished recording the songs, I sent them to Master through email; he texted back saying that he loves them. Miku on the other hand, did such an amazing job with love is war. She may have been nervous at first, but she had confidence and gave it her all; we were all so happy for her. Right now, I'm in my new room unpacking and arranging my stuff. Luka, Miku, and Meiko offered to help so I let them. Rin wanted to join, but she had remembered she was going to do something with her brother and everyone else was in the activity room doing something.

"Akira where do you want these text books?" said Miku                                     

"That can go on my desk for now. I'll find a spot for them soon," I said from the closet. Luka was helping me put away my clothes and shoes.

Once we finished we joined Miku and Meiko as they were arranging stuff. After we finished Gumi and Rin joined us with ramune for us all. They brought blue hawaii for Miku, strawberry for Luka, cola for Meiko, cherry for me, Gumi got lemon-lime, and Rin got orange.

"So Akira, how are you liking the mansion?" said Rin                                 

"It's great. It's not my home in Aomori, but it's something to take a liking to," I said                                                                                                                             

"That's good to know," said Meiko and took a sip from her drink.       

"Hey Akira, about a few weeks ago before you became a Vocaloid, we discussed about you attire," said Luka                                                                   

"Is there some thing wrong with it? I can change it if you like," I said "No, you don't have to change it. It's just..um..how should I put it," said Luka                                                                                                                                 

"What Luka is trying to say is that you don't dress like a Vocaloid; no offense," said Meiko                                                                                                 

"None taken. Besides, I understand that a Vocaloid's way of dressing up is unique and different.                                                                                                 

"So what were you all thinking?" I said                                                             

"That's for you to decide Akira. It just has to be something that can wow the crowd," said Miku                                                                                               

"Why don't we ask Fumiko to design something special for Akira," said Rin                                                                                                                                         

"That sounds great, thank you all so much," said Akira "Any time Akira," said Gumi

After a while of talking and cracking a few jokes, the girls left my room so they can go to sleep. I planned on doing the same as well. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. As I was about to fall asleep, I received a call from my mom. I declined the call and just went to sleep.

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