Christmas Special

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It was finally that time of year in Japan, December. All the Vocaloids love December; the Christmas songs, caroling, ice skating, the food, and on Christmas Eve they usually exchange gifts. Now they will be doing it with Akira this year. Right now, all the Vocaloids were decorating the exterior and interior of the mansion. Putting lights around the house, decorating the Christmas tree, decorate the mantle, and putting other decorations around the house.

As for relationships this holiday, Akira and Kaito have been dating since they confessed on the day of her first performance. Which has been about 2 month, and they've spent a lot of time together. Kiyoteru and Meiko are dating now, Gakupo and Luka are still dating, Gumi isn't ready to be in a relationship yet, Miku and Rin both have a crush on a Japanese, Sweden Vocaloid named Yohioloid, and Len has a crush on Akita Neru, but is so afraid to confess. What he doesn't know is that Neru has a crush on him as well.

~Akira's pov~

Luka, Meiko, Miku, Gumi, Rin, and I were decorating the giant Christmas tree while the guys put up lights.

"So what do you guys usually do on Christmas Eve and Christmas day?" I said

"On Christmas Eve, we celebrate at Crypton Future Media with the rest of the Vocaloids, some staff that don't have family to celebrate with, and Master," said Miku

"Yeah, it's really fun. We eat, exchange gifts, hang out, and then leave to do other stuff," said Rin

"Hey Luka, how long have you and Gakupo been dating?" I said

"For almost three years, why," said Luka

"What do you and Gakupo usually do on Christmas Eve," I said

"You both spend a lot of time together on that day, right," said Meiko

"Yes, after the party we both leave to walk around the city looking at the Christmas lights and decorations having a romantic time together like most couples. Gakupo took me to the ice skating rink last year," said Luka

"Aww, that's so romantic," said Miku

"Well, that's Gakupo for ya, he'll do anything to make the ones he loves happy," said Gumi

"Yes, that is very true," said Luka

"Meiko, do you and Kiyoteru have anything planned after the party?" said Miku

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it yet," said Meiko

"What about you Akira?" said Rin

"I'm the same as Meiko. I don't care what we do, I just want to be with him," I said

"That's good," said Luka

~Kaito's pov~

While the girls are decorating the huge Christmas tree inside, we are decorating the exterior of the mansion. We don't hang the lights since Master has always told us not to. Instead he calls professionals to do it a day before, and we put lights on the bushes or set up outdoor decorations.

"Hey Gakupo, what do you and Luka usually do on Christmas Eve?" I said

"Well like most couples, we walk around the city and do whatever we can do together. I took her to the ice skating rink last year which she loved. This year I plan on doing something different, but I need Master's permission if I can," said Gakupo

"What is it?" I said and Gakupo motioned to me to come close to him. I did and he whispered something into my ear.

"Wow, really," I said and Gakupo nodded his head.

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