Singing what I composed

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~Akira's pov~
Finally, two weeks have already passed and I'm now on summer vacation. I'm so happy that I can get out and be free from schoolwork. Right now, I'm currently packing my attire, toiletries, and other essentials. The reason I was packing most of my stuff is that I video chatted with all the Vocaloids about moving in with them. They were all really happy when they heard the news. I'm not going to bother telling my parents where I am. They'll just treat me like a little kid or push me away; like they always do. I doubt they even care for me.

Once I finished packing, I opened the door taking both my suitcases and my backpack outside and headed to the airport where the Vocaloids helicopter is.

~No one's pov~
At the Vocaloid mansion, everyone was already awake and having breakfast as they talked about normal stuff. Once they finished eating, they also sat down to watch an anime while they wait for Akira's arrival.

"I wonder where Akira is now?" said Gumi

"Who knows," said Gakupo

"Maybe she woke up late," said Meiko

"How long does it take to get to Sapporo from Aomori?," said Rin

"45-50 minutes by flight," said Kiyoteru.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," said Rin

"No, I'll get it," said Len and both started fighting over who gets to open the door for Akira.

"I'll get it," said Luka to the rest of the group and walked to the door.

"Akira, welcome back," said Luka

"Thank you, Luka," said Akira entering the house with her luggage. Rin and Len took notice of who opened the door.

"Aww, I wanted to open the door," said Rin and Len simultaneously.

"Well, you two were fighting. We couldn't just let our new addition to the Vocaloid family wait," said Luka

"Do you need any help with your bags?" said Kaito

"Oh.. sure. T-thank you," I said with a light blush.

"I'll show you to your room. Kaito, Gakupo, help Akira with her suitcases," said Miku and they both nodded their heads.

Miku, Akira, Kaito, and Gakupo walked up to the stairs to Akira's new room. Miku opened the door for Akira and the boys which revealed her new room. The room had a nice bed, a desk, shelf:

 The room had a nice bed, a desk, shelf:

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A walk in closet:

A walk in closet:

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