Initiation day

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~Akira's pov~


I turned off the alarm of my phone and checked the time to see that it was 6 a.m. Today's the day when I can go back to Sapporo to prove myself that I have what it takes to be a Vocaloid. I took my duffle bag out to get the outfit I was going to wear for when I perform in front of the Vocaloids and Crypton Future Media and the USB with the song. I know Vocaloids have a certain sense of style so I tried looking for the best thing I had in my closet; it's unique, but stylish. Once I finished get ready and dressed, I went down stairs with my duffle bag to get breakfast and head out to the metro station.

As I was about to leave my house, I ended up getting a text from a random number.

???: Good morning Akira.
Akira: Who is this?
Miku: It's Miku from Vocaloid.
Akira: Oh hi Miku. How did you get my number?
Miku: Master Hiroyuki gave it to me. Anyways I want you to go to the airport.
Akira: What for?
Miku: We spoke to Master and he's letting us give you a ride in our helicopter.
Akira: Really!
Miku: Yes, the ride will be a bit shorter and you'll probably be a few hours early.
Akira: Thank you so much Miku.
Miku: No problem.


Once I finally arrived to Sapporo I took a taxi all the way to Crypton Future Media which is where the Vocaloids will be meeting. When I walked into the building I was told to meet the Vocaloids in the room where they get initiated. I walked into the room and it was so big. It was almost like a performance theater.

"Akira, you made it," said Gumi

"Well, it's all thanks to you guys," I said

"It was no problem," said Gakupo

"You should be getting ready. Everyone will be coming in a bit," said Kaito

"Ok, but where should I change my clothes," I said

"I'll take you," said Luka

"Ok, thanks," I said and followed Luka to the bathroom which was also pretty big. As I was changing my clothes Luka and I just started talking.

"So Luka what lead you into being a Vocaloid," I said

"Well, it's a long story, but I guess I can shorten it a bit. I've always loved singing actually, but I've also played some instruments in my youth. Which I still do of course," said Luka

"What instruments do you play?" I said

"Let's see. Well I play the cello, I can play guitar, and drums. What about you?" said Luka

"Tons, I'm actually a music prodigy," I said

"Is that so," said Luka

"Yes," I said and opened the stall. My attire was a white sleeveless crop top, black high waist shorts, sparkly over sized silver sweater, and white high top sneakers.

 My attire was a white sleeveless crop top, black high waist shorts, sparkly over sized silver sweater, and white high top sneakers

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