Author's note

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So in the previous chapter, I wanted to post the songs that were supposed to be their. But I didn't want that chapter to be too long. So I thought why not make an author's note and post them there.

So originally, Transparent Elegy is sung by Gumi, Setsugekka is sung by Gackt. But since Gakct is the voice provider for Gakupo I thought this could be a good idea. Romeo and Cinderella are sung by Miku, Lamb is sung by Garnidellia, and the Hi-Fi Raver I chose is a cover, but it's originally sung by Miku, Luka, and Gumi. This is just so you know and I hope you guys like it so far including the songs. I don't know if I'll be able to post the next chapter next week since I'll be in school, but I'll try my best to get the next chapter over with; hopefully before Wednesday.

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