Chatting with my crush

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~Akira's pov~
Today is Monday and I was barely getting ready for school. I changed into my usual attire, did my hair, ate breakfast, made my bento box. I made a cheese hamburger steak, rice , soy sauce egg, and broccoli. After I finished, I left my house as I put my headphones on. Once I arrived to school, I put my stuff in my locker. I then closed it and I was on my way to English, I saw Sami and Erin; so I decided to go say hi to them since they've been so nice to me.

"Hey guy's," I said

"Hey Akira," said Erin

"How was your weekend," said Sami

"It was good; very fun. What about you guys," I said

"It was good," said Erin

"It was boring. Daisha invited the girls for a sleep over the whole weekend," said Sami

"Oh you poor thing," I said

"I did catch up on season 2 of AOT including the OVA to pass the weekend," said Sami

"Did you like it," I said

"Have you watch season 3," said Erin

"Yes and no, I'm barely watching season 3. But I'm glad to be in school now," said Sami

"Are you guys excited for the summer vacation," I said

"Yeah, we only have 2 weeks left. I can't wait to go back to music camp," said Erin

"Cool," I said and then the bell rang.

"Well we should be getting to our classes. I'll see you guys later at lunch," I said

"Alright," said Sami

"See ya," said Erin and I went to Language.

"Alright class, last week I told you all about your poetry project. A few students have already turned in their poem's early and I just wanted to remind you all that the due date is this Friday since next week is our last week of school," said Horuhe-sensei

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot about the poetry project. I only have this week to create a poem and I know just what to do," I said in my head.

Once school was over, I went straight to my locker to get my stuff and head home. As I was choosing a song to listen to, I received a text from Master Hiroyuki. Yes, now that I work for him, it's appropriate for me to call him Master. Anyways:

Master: Good afternoon Akira, I know your almost out of school and I was wondering if you could compose some new songs for the Vocaloids; one for each Vocaloid. You can reveal them in two weeks once your out of school.
Akira: Yes Master, if I finish before then I will let you know.
Master: Of course and make sure to compose a song for yourself.
Akira: Ok

When I arrived home, I quickly went to the kitchen to grab a snack and head to my room to do my poem. I decided on making a free verse poem. A free verse poem is type of poem without a rhyme or rhythm scheme. It's simply an artistic expression; almost like composing lyrics. It took me 2 hours to find an inspiration until I saw a Vocaloid poster on my wall. But what caught my attention was a certain blue haired, ice cream loving, scarf wearin' male. 


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