Preparations and a special evening

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~Akira's pov~
Today is a new day and I was already on my way to school. I couldn't get that dream I had about Kaito out of my head. I mean, who wouldn't if they were dream about someone famous. Once I arrived to school, I put my stuff in my locker and went to my first class, English. As I was about to leave to the classroom my music teacher, Ibara Adora.

"Good morning Akira," said Adora

Good morning Ibara-sensei," I said

"I just wanted to let you know that the piano is all set up so you and the other students that can play piano can play it," said Adora

"Oh ok," I said

"I'll see you later in class," said Adora and then left.


After English was over I, I started walking to music class. Once I entered the room I sat down and waited till the teacher came in.

"Alright class, before we begin class. I want to remind you about this Friday. Most of you know that there is going to be a fine arts competition and I'm encouraging you to participate. Now some of you may have noticed the piano. For those of you who know how to play it, you will be given extra credit and the rest of you will listen. If you are not quiet and paying attention then you will get detention. I also don't want see any phones out. Akira, you go first," said Adora

"Yes sensei," I said walking over to the piano and began playing Cendrillion by Shion Kaito and Hatsune Miku.

(Link to hear the song ( I don't own it):

After I stopped playing everyone clapped as I got up and took a bow.

"Well done Akira," said Adora
"Thank you," I said and went back to my desk.

A few classes later, lunch came by and I went to the table I usually sit. But since the universe probably hates me, I saw Daishi sitting with Ashuri, Anji, and Ellie sitting at the table I was going to sit at. So I decided not to sit with them.

"Akira, come sit with us!" Said Erin
"Oh, thanks," I said walking over to Sami's table.
"You know, you guys didn't have to do this. I mean we're not even close friends," I said
"We know that, but we don't want you to be lonely after what happened yesterday. Plus, I'm already on my sister's bad side after inviting you to sit with us," said Sami
"Is Daishi like this at home or in public when she isn't with friends," I said
"Only towards me and our other brothers, but with her friends, no," said Sami
"That's just sad," said Erin
"Yeah, she wasn't always like that though. I don't know what changed her. She wasn't like this once she became friends with you know who," said Sami
"Dang," said Erin
"Anyway, let's not talk about Daishi," said Sami
"Yeah. Akira, are you excited for Friday," said Erin
"Yes, I still have to buy the stuff I need, I still need to find a song, and many more other things. Are you going to be in it Sami? I know you like to dance," I said
"I wanted to, but I'm a bit embarrassed to dance in front of an audience," said Sami
"I'd do it, but I don't know how to sing or dance," said Erin
"You guys are no fun," I said and both boys just laughed.
"I do know how to play the drums though," said Erin
"Cool, what about you Sami," I said
"I can rock out on the bass," said Sami
"Nice," I said


Once school ended, I went back home to plan everything out for Friday. The song, the dance, and the outfit I wanted to wear. I checked through google and youtube for ideas, but had no luck. Then it came to me that I forgot that I was a composer. I got up from my bed to get my songbook and tablet from my backpack. I sat back down on my bed with songbook to look for some songs I wrote. It took me 3 hours to decide on the song, listen through the music, and review the dance routines. Until I finally decided on one (which will be revealed in the next chapter).

After I finished I had nothing else to do so I decided to watch a few animes before I go to bed.

It was already Friday and I was so excited. This was going to be my first time performing in front of an audience. I just got back from school and I was already getting ready. I put on my black kimono, red sash, black boots, and I did my hair and makeup . Once I finished getting ready, I grabbed my fan and left to the competition which was located at an outdoor stage in the park. I arrived 10 minutes early and I was the last to perform.

"For our final act, we have Amiyama Akira, singing and dancing to this song she composed in her own," said the announcer and clapped his hands along with the crowd as I came to the stage.

(Click on the video at the top ( I don't own the video)

Once the song was over, the crowd cheered and I waved them off as I left the stage.

"So, I just spoke with the judges and they told me that we have three winners. In 3rd place we have Azuki Maya with her magic act. In 2nd place we have Kasami Annie, Kirima Nagi, and Yamada Lui with their hard rock performance. And in 1st place we have... Amiyama Akira with her singing and dance performance," said the announcer call us up to the stage so we can be recognized.

I felt so happy that I won. But what we all didn't know was that a certain someone was watching the competition.

Oohhhhhh, I wonder who that certain someone is. Well, I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter. Also I posted this story a few hours ago on Quotev. Just so you know.

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