Dreams and reality

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~Akira's pov~

I woke up from the little nap I took and as I was about to get off my bed, I noticed that I wasn't sleeping in my room; it was different and bigger. My backpack with my songbook and tablet were here, thank God. I got off my bed so I can fix my hair since I felt it was a bit messy. Once I entered the bathroom, I saw my reflection and my hair was a bit different. 

"Oh my gosh, what happened to my hair; it's longer! How did it get so long, I only took  a three hour nap!" I said and then I heard a knock on my door.

"Akira, are you ok!" said a girl 

"Yes, I'm fine!" I said

"Who was that? The voice sounds like it's coming from a young girl," I said in my head as I left the bathroom to see who asked if I was ok. 

I opened the door to see no one, but I heard voices talking. I followed the sound of people talking which led me downstairs. Once I made it downstairs, I saw the Vocaloids. And when I say Vocaloids, I mean, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len and Rin, Megurine Luka, Kamui Gakupo, Megpoid Gumi, Hiyama Kiyoteru  Sakine Meiko, and Shion Kaito. What am I doing in the Vocaloid mansion. Why am I here and how did I get here?

As I was lost in thought, I didn't notice that the Vocaloids stopped talking and took notice of my presense.

"Hi Akira," said Miku

"How do you know my name?" I said

"Akira, are you ok?" said Len

"Uh, yeah. Why," I said 

"Well, your not really the type that gets confused," said Gakupo

"Oh," I said

"Come sit with us, Akira," said Gumi as she pat on a spot on the couch.

"Uh, thank you, but I was wondering if any of you know where I can find scissors," I said 

"What for?" said Kaito and I felt myself blushing a little bit, but I shook it off.

"Because I want to cut my hair," I said 

"Why would you want to do that, you've always had it long," said Meiko

"I have," I said 

"Yes," said the Vocaloids simultaneously.

"Oh, I-" I said, but Luka cut me off.

"Akira, do you want to cut your hair," said Luka and I nodded my head.

"Come with me, I'll cut it for you," said Luka as she got up from the spot she was sitting on and dragged me to her bedroom.

~Luka's pov~

Akira is acting a bit different today. Almost as if she lost her memory. I know Akira has been working with us for a while now, but it's unlike her to forget stuff. Once we arrived to my room, I told her to sit on my chair while I get my scissors and a comb. 

"So how short do you want it," I said

"Below my shoulders," said Akira

"Ok," I said and I began the process of cutting Akira's hair. Once I finished, I stared in awe at how Akira looked with short hair.

"Wow Akira, you look so different with short hair. It's way better than the long hair," I said

"Yeah, I honestly don't know how my hair grew so long," said Akira

"What are you talking about," I said

"Never mind that, do you have any rubber bands that I could use," said Akira

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