Happy Birthday

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~Akira's pov~

Right now I'm with all the Vocaloids in the Kitchen. We were all talking and having a blast until Kaito received a call in which he had to step out for a moment.

"Alright, now that Kaito is gone we have to plan what we are going to do for his birthday and anniversary tomorrow," said Miku

"What should we do?" said Rin

"Well, what did you guys do last year," I said

"We took him to his favorite restaurant last year, rented a private room, invited a lot of other Vocaloids, Master, and Crypton Future Media, we bought him an ice cream cake, and we sang and danced the night away," said Kiyoteru

"That sounds really fun," I said

"Yeah, but since we've been really busy this month. I guess we forgot about preparations," said Gakupo

"What if we throw him a surprise party. Wait, does he like surprises," said Akira and everyone turned to Meiko and Gakupo since they both knew him a little better.

"Well that depends," said Gakupo

"He only likes the good surprises," said Meiko

"He hates pranks," said Gakupo

"Yeah, he doesn't like them," said Meiko

"A surprise party will be great. But we're going to need to keep him away from the mansion," said Miku

"What do you suggest we do while decorate and invite," said Luka

"What are you doing tomorrow Akira?" said Miku

"Nothing, I have to finish writing these lyrics, but the due date isn't in a week. Why?" I said

"I had an idea. You and Kaito can go on a date while we decorate and invite the guest," said Miku

"I like it," I said at that exact moment Kaito heard what I had said.

"Like what?" said Kaito

"Oh Kaito, we were just talking about how delicious homemade chocolate tastes," I said

"It is delicious," said Kaito

"So Kaito I had this idea that since tomorrow is your birthday, we can spend the day together," I said

"I like that idea," said Kaito

"Sorry we won't be able to celebrate your birthday and anniversary tomorrow Kaito," said Meiko

"It's ok, I understand that you all will be busy. It's been a pretty busy month. Maybe we can do something in March," said KaitoAnd all the Vocaloids agreed to his decision.

~No one's pov~

It was already 8 in the morning. At this time Kaito and Akira should be awake at this time, they were planning to leave at 9:30 which gives everyone the time to order stuff ahead of time and invite the Vocaloids in Japan. Rin, Len, Meiko, Kiyoteru, and Gakupo are in charge of decorating the mansion. Miku and Luka are in charge of inviting the guests. Gumi is in charge of purchasing the cake and making the food with the help of Miku and Luka. Right now everyone is...

•With Rin, Len, Meiko, Kiyoteru, and Gakupo: They locked themselves in the game room to buy decorations.

•With Miku and Luka: They were in Luka's room calling, texting, or emailing a bunch of Vocaloids. Vocaloids such as Neru, Arsloid, Miki, Piko, Ia, Lily, Yohioloid, Mayu, Flower, Lapis, etc.

•With Gumi: She was on the phone with a pastry chef ordering an ice cream cake. As she was doing that she was looking for recipes on what to make for dinner.

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