~chapter 1~

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okay everyone this is my first Link x Dark Link fanfiction ever so don't expect it to be good lmao enjoy




"Did you meet the princess?" A townsfolk person asked the Kokiri boy as he came out of Hyrule. The kokiri boy, known as Link, looked up at them blankly and nodded.

"Yes, I did. She seems lovely," he replied bluntly. The folk started to cheer, leaning down to meet with Link's height.

"You know young man, if you and princess stay in contact, then I can see a future building together!" They clapped, grinning at Link. Although, he didn't seem interested in love. His main focus and priorty was becoming a hero like the Deku Tree and Navi had both told him. Besides, Saria had recently confessed her feelings for him back before he left the forest, and had to deal with her problems first. If those people all find out that he and Princess Zelda met, they're all gonna fantasize them in a relationship. Link just needed some alone time after this, heading over to Zora's River.


"Hey!" Navi shouted, catching Link's attention as he entered the River.

"What is it Navi?" He asked, looking up at the glowing fairy flying around him. "I'm trying to be alone right now, why are you still with me? Can you just go back to the forest and wait for me..? Please? I'll come back soon." Link rubbed his arm and stared at the ground, watching as Navi floated down a little bit.

"Oh.. I see. I'll let you be alone, Link. I guess you deserve some alone time. Just.. be back soon. I hope I don't have to regret this." With that, she started to fly back to the Kokiri forest which left Link alone, trying to find some peace. He couldn't though just outside Zora's Domain because there was a fat guy eating magic beans or whatnot. He sighed and grabbed onto the nearby chicking, floating himself to the other side of the forceful river and headed up towards Zora's Domain. Clutching his Ocarina given to him by Saria, he headed by the entance and played Zelda's lullaby which she taught him when they met. The river then opened, and Link entered.

It felt sort of humid inside of the Domain, but nonetheless Link liked it. Seeing all the Zora tribe swimming, diving and just standing around idly made him smile. They all watched Link as he ran up to see Princess Ruto's father, knowing he couldn't just go see her.

"Who are you?" Ruto's father asked as Link came up to him. Link felt himself sweat, not knowing what this tribe could do to him.

"I'm here to be alone, but I found this place and never realized how may of you were here. B-But now that I'm here talking to you, is there anywhere I can go to be all alone..?" Link asked rubbing the back of his neck underneath his green cap. Ruto's father nodded, calling for one of his Zora's. They came out from a very close cave, beside the waterfall and asked for orders.

"Take this young man, called Link, to the waterfall and show him where to be alone." The Zora nodded and lead Link to the waterfall which was loud and beautiful as it streamed downwards into the larger part of the Domain.

"So, Link, you want some alone time, hm?" They asked kindly, standing next to the waterfall. Link nodded his head. "Well, if I can tell you if you do something incredible for me. Just jump down into the water and grab these rupees that I throw down. Don't worry, I'll time you fifty seconds." They smiled and Link nodded again, feeling a smile appear on his face too. They threw down the rupees and counted down from three, timing Link as he dived into the water. There he went, grabbing the rupees that scattered under the blue liquid. After succeeding to grab all of them, they called him back up.

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