~chapter 5~

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the chapter youve all been waiting for.

yes, the smut.

it's gonna be kinky so get your ropes ready- i mean

rn im mad at my bf for finding a picture of me when i was in yr7 and i looked like a DEMON :,(

well enjoy ;D



The two versions of themselves were having a great time, wondering around Lake Hylia again. At night, they even snuck out to Kakariko Village to play their game again like when they were kids. Who knew that this would happen. Who thought that the memories would come flashing back before somebody was killed back in the dungeon.

Maybe, Navi was the one to bring back the memories. After all, she had been acting strange lately so doing so wouldn't result in a bad thing. Link wasn't mad at her. In fact, he was joyful. Fulfilled. Finally, after such a long time, he was seeing his best friend again.

"Link," Dark Link began, pausing their childhood game. "Can I show you something back in Lake Hylia?"

Link was confused, but agreed to it anyway. Walking back, they were soon in the place where they met, that same scarecrow standing in the same soil as before.

"What is it?" Link asked curiously. Dark Link seemed nervous, but it wasn't too revealing to Link. He smiled, hiding the nervousness and told Link to keep following him until they reached their destination.


It was a secret cave, but it seemed very hospice inside of it. It wasn't damp, humid or even tight. Dark Link had been coming here for a while before being sealed in the Water Temple. Sometimes he'd stay here, sometimes he would not. Afterall, both places were very homely for him and he enjoyed staying at them both equally, but this time Link needed to come to this lovely cave.

"Nice cave, Dark," Link exclaimed with a smile, intaking the entire area and viewing how nice it was. Dark Link smiled back, enjoying the compliment from his lighter counterpart.

"Thanks," he began. "This is what I wanted to show you, but I also need to tell you something." Dark Link became nervous again, but the lighter of the two didn't take notice this time.

"Oh sure, you can tell me anything." Another beaming smile was formed upon Link's pale face.

"So you see, we've basically known eachother for a really long time," Dark Link said, sitting them down in a comfortable seat.

"Yeah, basically we have."

The dark döppelganger smiled. "And well, ever since our first few days of meeting, I've found something out." Link was surprised, but didn't know what he could've found out. How? They've been distant from one another for seven years, no way could he have found something out about Link.

"Oh, what's that?" Link asked innocently. Dark Link was very nervous, yet Link still didn't catch onto it. He simply kept smiling and waited for an answer.

"It's kind of difficult to just say but.. well, you know.." The nerves were now noticeable, but Link didn't mention them. He didn't want to make him more nervous than already, so he just allowed him to keep going.

"Is there an issue with me?" Link was curious, but also worried. Perhaps he had done something wrong to his darker counterpart and upset him, but he didn't know what.

"No, of course not. It's just, I've sort of.. eh.. well, maybe uh.." He was very shy to say, but eventually after it was said his confidence would boost right up.

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