~chapter 11~

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sorry for slacking but like yeh um idk

enjoy this i guess :D


Link stared up at the dark night sky when he arrived back into his old home - Kokiri Forest - seeing all his childhood friends still out when it was now dark.

"They never really change.." He muttered, limping his way back his house climbing up the ladder with cautiousness.

When he entered his old home, he was greeted by Navi, who was more than joyful to see him again after days of not.

"Link! I've missed you!" She flew up and down excitedly around Link, and he simply let out chuckles, heading over to his very small bed.

"Sorry Navi, I've been busy," he replied tiredly. She eventually calmed down, floating just around Link slowly and normally.

"Well, you can rest now," she stated. "Tomorrow, I say we do the Gerudo Trials together!" The excitement in her voice was too much for Link to turn her down, especially since he hasn't been with her for a while, so he chose to go along with it, even if he needed access to enter the Fortress and whatnot.

"Well, alright. Won't I need special entry though? I won't even get that, will I?" Link tried his best to lie down, but just couldn't since the bed was so small. So, he just camped out on the floor, the wood being quite old that it had softened up and made it more tolerable.

"Trust me, I know how you get in there. But, less talking, more sleeping!"


Link was awoken by Navi, and he barely pushed himself upwards from the floor of his old tiny home. He stretched, the headed to the small patch of water where he washed himself (not nude) and his clothes, knowing he was sweaty and hot from trying to sleep on damaged legs.

He had washed up his hair, placing his green cap back in and grabbing his washed green tunic with him back to his home. Navi saw him immediately, blown away by his fit stomach and his muscles.

Dark Link gets to see this and not me?

Navi brushed away her thoughts when Link threw his clean clothes onto his bed, waiting for them to dry out. For now, he would have to stay in his undergarments until they dried up, unless he chose to wear his red or blue tunic from before.

As Link searched for one of his other tunics, Navi thought of a conversation to make to avoid awkwardness. "I heard that the first ever male to gain access into Gerudo Valley wins something called Silver Gauntlets, by the chief herself."

Link raised his eyebrows, quite impressed. "Really? Who is the chief?"

"Her name is Nabooru. Although, she is probably at the Spirit Temple, the last one left to the Godessess to complete."

"That would be so cool to gain access into Gerudo Valley.." Link pulled up his white tights, wincing quietly from the aching pain that coursed within his legs still.

Link turned around when his tights had been pulled up, his abs still out. Navi tried not to stare, but since she had no facial features, she was lost in just looking nonstop.

Dark Link gets to feel them too?

Link realised how quiet Navi was being, ironically, but didn't say much. He grabbed his blue tunic, putting it on and adjusting the belt so that it stays put. After that, it was just his boots and gloves, then he was done.

"Hey, Navi, you ready?" Link asked with a confused tone. The little fairy snapped out of her trance and was back into reality.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, just thinking about those awesome Silver Gauntlets!" Link chuckled, gesturing for her to follow behind as he left his old home again, all clean and fresh.

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