~chapter 12~

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heehee because im so kind im gonna let there be a small bit of smut but not a huge smut

also this is like the second to last chapter no actually the third to last hope you dont mind:)

enjoy it anyway:D



All Link, Dark Link and Navi enjoyed the day they had just had. Sure, the incident at Lon Lon Ranch wasn't any fun, but after that Link went to get the Silver Gauntlets after sneaking into the Gerudo Prison just after Gerudo Valley. Dark Link waited patiently for him to come back out whilst Navi went in there with him, helping him to lock onto enemies and kill them with ease.

He came out feeling refreshed, the guard congratulating him for his bravery and claiming him as a warrior amongst the Gerudo women. After that, Link ran back towards Dark Link, deciding to just have a rest with him back in Lake Hylia, giving Navi the signal to head back to the Kokiri Forest.

They spoke for a while when they arrived back earlier, Link exhausted but barely wounded, and Dark Link simply tired from fighting those people in Lon Lon Ranch. Of course, the threats they received didn't particularly bother them as such seen as they were happy that everyone came out alive - killing them would probably result in conflict, and that's not what they want.

"How do you feel Link?" Dark Link asked out of curiosity. He had asked him earlier, but the question came back around.

"The same as before. I mean, doesn't really affect me in the slightest," Link replied, shrugging his shoulders. The darker counterpart nodded, letting out a small snicker.

"Are you tired?"

Of course he was. Today had been an exhausting day. He had to check on Navi, ensuring she was alright. Not to mention the part with the men back at Lon Lon Ranch and the trials to achieve the Silver Gauntlets. So, yes.

"Very," he said with a chuckle. "What about you? Are you tired?" Dark Link looked at him, almost as if it was a way to say 'when am I not?'

"Yeah, today has been a loooong day," he exclaimed. "Atleast now we can rest." Link was satisfied to here those words, and he agreed to it without hesitation. Next thing he knew however, they were heading back to Dark Link's chambers.

"Sleep," is all Link muttered under his tired voice. Dark Link smiled, helping him get off his tunic and get him into the bed with more comfort.

After he had undressed Link, he guided him into bed seen as he was so tired from today. He helped get him in, then tucked him under the covers, then patted his head soothingly and began running his fingers through his soft hair.

"Goodnight, Link," Dark Link whispered. "Sleep well." After that, he decided to head to bed aswell, seen as he was pretty tired too.


Shortly into the night, Dark Link woke up to a good feeling down in his lower region. He rolled his hips in attempt to gain more friction, and was pleased when he received more. It was probably an erotic dream, yet for some reason he couldn't see it in his dreams. Either way though, he kept rolling his hips sensually, continuing to get friction which he managed to get everytime. It felt really good, so good it woke him up.

"No!" He quietly whispered, thinking that all that sensation was over, until he looked over and saw that Link wasn't there and the feeling was still occurring. Realisation then hit him like a ton of bricks, and he lifted up the covers to reveal the lighter Hylian going down on him.

He parted his mouth and his eyebrows furrowed, seeing that Link didn't stop. He kept going and going, sometimes focusing on just the tip whereas most times he'd work on the rest of it. He would've just carried on if Dark Link hadn't grabbed his hair and yanked him upwards.

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