Chapter 7 - Taking Care

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(Loki's POV):
Kára ran up to me and helped me to a chair so that I could sit down. She then crouched down in front of me and took my hand in hers, looking upon me with a hint of concern in her eyes.

"I think we should be done for the day, it takes an enormous amount of energy when you are first creating solid clones and the last thing we need is for you to pass out," Kára spoke, throwing me off with the care present in her voice.

"No, I believe it is your turn to demonstrate your talent," I replied, surprised that even my voice sounded weak after the amount of energy I had expended.

"Very well, what is that you wish me to do?" She replied, standing up from her crouched position.

I reached to my left and chose a book at random from the shelf and flicked through the pages, "here, create a portal. Again, you can only have it open to a location within this part of the palace, but it will prove to me that you have the skill."

A flicker of fear passed through her eyes when she looked down at the book and she shook her head, "I shall do this tomorrow, but first we really should be getting you back to your room so that you can rest."

"Is that an excuse I hear? If you cannot perform the spell then just confess it, I would not be surprised if you are incapable of it, it is quite a tricky spell to master, even at this short distance."

"No, I just have never tried it before," she muttered, reading through the page in the book. "But I shall attempt it, I suppose I will never know if I can or cannot perform the spell if I do not try."

I watched her closely as she began to create the portal, enjoying how the green magic swirled around her fingertips. She was clearly focusing intently on the spell, her brows furrowed and wrinkles appearing on her forehead. Her eyes lit up as she looked at what she created and she stuck her hand tentatively into the portal.

"I-I did it!" She cried out, glancing at her arm poking out of the other side of the portal across the room. Her eyes then widened as she quickly removed her arm, right before the portal fizzed out and she sighed in frustration. "Well, I did have it for a moment."

I hated to admit it, but I was proud of her. Creating a portal was long believed to be one of the harder spells to master and the fact that she had done what she did on her very first try amazed me. Perhaps this woman was more than I had first given her credit for, perhaps I could be a bit more open to trust her as my teacher.

"I suppose I should heed your advice and rest back in my room," I spoke, standing up and causing a wave of dizziness to wash over me. I placed my hand on the table to steady myself and Kára must have noticed how I struggled.

She wrapped my arm around her shoulders to steady me and her left hand began to glow green, "here, I shall give you some of my energy and we can teleport back into your room."

I felt a warmth spread inside me as she transferred her energy into my body and I teleported us into my chambers, already feeling the affects of the teleportation on my body. She lay me down in my bed, looking slightly drained herself after having donated a decent fraction of her own energy to me, not to mention what she must have used for that portal.

"I shall return to tell the guards what had happened and bring you back some tea," she smiled at me, squeezing my hand in assurance before disappearing into thin air.

(Kára's POV):
I left Loki in his bedchambers and returned to the room in which we practiced, opening the door to speak to the guards, "good day, gentlemen, I just wished to inform you that I have just brought Prince Loki back to his chambers as today's lesson was quite taxing on him. I apologize for not checking with you first, but he was quite dizzy, so I made him the top priority. I am sure there are already guards located outside his room, so if one of you would be willing to show me to the kitchens, I would be much obliged."

One of the guards stepped forward and nodded to me, "right this way, Lady Kára."

I followed the gold-armored guard down the hallways, feeling the affects of the extensive magic I had performed during the lesson. However, the knowledge that I had been able to briefly create a portal on my first try was enough to make up for my exhaustion. Besides, perhaps my taking care of Loki would strengthen our relationship and perhaps convince him to warm up to me so I could stop fighting him all of the time.

Once I had arrived in the kitchens, I requested the opportunity to make a special brew of tea myself, to which I easily got permission. My mother had taught me about a tea that would help restore energy, especially if the source of exhaustion was magic. However, it did require magic to create so I could only safely make a cup for Loki without risking getting too exhausted myself.

I walked back to Loki's room with the assistance of the guard and was granted access by the two guards stationed at the entrance of his room. I found him exactly where I had left him, but he was now sleeping peacefully on his bed. With a smile at how soft his typically hardened facial features had grown, I placed the cup of tea next to his bed with a note explaining what it was.

I tried to leave, but I could not help but get lured to his side to watch him sleep. I ran my fingers through his dark locks, noticing the smile that played at the edges of his lips. He looked so peaceful in his sleep and I could not help but notice how attractive he was when he was not glaring at me. I teared my eyes from him, knowing that I could not afford to find him attractive as he would do nothing except break my heart. I was here for the money and nothing more, I could not afford to obtain any other attachments.


(A/N): I high key would have kissed him if I were Kára, but she isn't as infatuated with him as I am... yet

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