Chapter 45 - Wakanda

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(Kára's POV):
Even after living on Midgard for four years, I actually knew very little of the planet. As a result, I did not know where to even start looking for these Avengers. However Midgard did have this wonderful thing called Google which I hoped would give me some answers. I ended up coming across an image of a compound located in upstate New York, where it was said they resided. Even though I was unsure if I would actually be able to successfully teleport there with only having seen a few pictures and a map, I knew that I had to take the risk to share Loki's message.

I left a clone at home to watch the children and attempted to teleport to the compound, surprised when I opened my eyes to find myself on the lawn of the building I had seen in the pictures. I made my way to the door of what appeared to be the main building, tugging the door open and walking inside. It was a very clean building with white linoleum floors and metallic gray walls. There was a man behind a desk as I walked in, making me relieved to have found someone who could help.

"Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if I could speak to the Avengers, I have an urgent message for them," I spoke, praying that this man could help me.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "who are you and how did you get in?"

"I walked in," I replied, confused by his odd question. How else would I have gotten in. "Look, I am Asgardian who bears an extremely important message for the Avengers, I must speak to them."

He picked up this black box type thing and spoke into it, "this is Dickinson, I think I found a security breach, requesting backup. There is an unauthorized woman standing in the lobby of the main building. Do you copy?"

I jumped as a voice replied from the box, "we copy, Dickinson, backup is on the way."

"Listen, I know that you have no idea who I am, but there's this titan named Thanos and he's trying to collect these things called infinity stones and, according to my source, you have one of those on Midgard. I am here merely here to warn the Avengers and persuade them to protect it at all costs. I don't want any trouble, but I need to prevent Thanos from collecting all of the infinity stones," I began to try to explain, desperate to complete my task. "Do you remember Loki? The attack on New York? Thanos was behind that and now my husband is undercover with the mad titan right now and told me to pass this message along to the Avengers, I need to do that."

"And who is your husband?" The man asked, although I felt that he was more stalling than actually I interested in what I had to say.

"Loki," I replied simply, watching as his eyes darkened and he pulled a gun on me.

"Ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to get down on the ground," he ordered, surprising me with his change of character.

"I do not understand, I am only trying to help you."

He laughed, "right, the wife of Loki is trying to help us, I'll believe that when hell freezes over."

Suddenly the door burst open and about ten men entered the room, with large guns, all trained on me. I was pressed up against the wall and searched for concealed weapons, hardly able to concentrate as my body was thrown around.

"Listen to me, please! Thanos is coming to earth and you need to stop him!" I cried out, wondering why I was being treated like a threat.

A voice echoed throughout the room originator from the TV in the corner, "breaking news. Several unidentified objects have entered our atmosphere and landed on the outskirts of the country of Wakanda. Best known for manufacturing the unbreakable metal vibranium, Wakanda now seems to be the grounds of an alien invasion. We have reports that the Avengers are on sight to deal with this threat, including those who broke away after the Sokovian Accords."

I smirked at the information, "apparently I have gotten all of the information that I needed. Sorry for wasting your time, boys."

I teleported to the place I had seen on screen, praying that I would be as lucky as I had been traveling to the compound. Apparently I was running on luck, or perhaps it was my determination, because I found myself right outside the borders of the country I had seen on screen.

The image before me shocked me. Hundreds or even thousands of these eight-limbed aliens were charging into a small gap between shields leading into Wakanda. Within the boarders, stood an army of what I assumed to be natives to the country as well as a handful of enhanced beings who I assumed to be the Avengers. Thankful that I had found them, I had the urge to run towards them. However, I knew that they would assume I was part of the attacking army and would kill me without question.

Instead I teleported into the middle of the battlefield, standing with the Wakandans. I assumed that none of the Avengers would want to have a full conversation in the midst of battle, but I needed to get my message across. Perhaps if I were to gain their trust, someone would listen to me. I turned my gaze upon the invading army and breathed deeply. I had never used my magic for violence, but there was a first time for everything.

I created a shield around myself to protect me in case I grew careless then charged into battle, creating daggers out of thin air and throwing them at the oncoming hoard. If anything got too close, I pushed them back with magic. To confuse the enemy, I create basic clones that they would run right through. At the same time I kept an eye out for those fighting around me.

I noticed the bearded man with a shield about to be pounced by one of the creatures, but knew that he was not going to have enough time to react as he was busy struggling with another one. I teleported in front of the attacking creature, stabbing it before it had the chance to rip the man apart. Afterwards I through a dagger into the heart of the creature that he was currently struggling with.

The man collapsed onto the ground and stared up at me, "who are you?"

"My name is Kára, I am an Asgardian sent here with a message for you. Thanos is coming and you need to do all that you can keep him from getting the mind stone," I informed him, keeping an eye on our surroundings in case of another creature coming to attack.

"Yeah, we managed to figure out that much ourselves," he commented, pulling himself off of the ground and offering me his hand. "I am Steve Rogers, by the way."

"I will let you know if I receive more information, then. The last I heard was he was about to attack Titan to gain the time stone, but it seemed unlikely that he would fail in that mission."

"So you can tell us exactly when Thanos will arrive?"

"I should be able to," I replied, protecting us from some more attacking creatures.

"Stay close to me, that way I can alert the team when you get word of his arrival," he told me as we plunged back into the battle.


(A/N): We're nearing the end of this story! I hope your excited to see how their story concludes!

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