Chapter 24 - After Effects

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(Kára's POV):
My clone finally teleported back into the room after what felt like an eternity and I quickly snatched the concoction from her, trying to ignore how disgusting it looked as I poured it down Loki's throat. I made sure that he did not choke on it or spit it out, praying that this last ditch effort would prove successful. Knowing that it was too late to trying anything else if there happened to be new information in the last remaining book, I got rid of my clones and focused all of my attention on Loki.

He collapsed in the bed, making me unsure whether or not I was relieved that he had stopped convulsing or frightened that the potion had not worked. I squeezed his hand tightly with mine as I held my breath, waiting to see if the potion had been successful. Suddenly he gasped, trying to refill his lungs with air as he shuddered in disgust.

"Odin's beard, what kind of miserable Hel-born drink did you give me?" Loki managed to get out, his face contorted in disgust and his voice still weak, but at least he could speak.

I let out the breath that I was holding as I bent down to kiss him, "it may not have tasted like your typical Asgardian delicacies, but that concoction may have just saved your life so suck it up."

His lips twitched upwards, "you know, a month ago I would have been content with dying here, but now you have changed everything. I truly thank you for fighting for me."

"Loki, I will always fight for you," I assured him, squeezing his hand. "Now you best get some rest, I may have kept you from dying in that moment, but it will take a while for the effects of the poison to wear off."

"I have been resting all day, perhaps now I can have some fun?" He asked suggestively before sitting up in his bed. However, he winced and sank back down, "on second thought, perhaps that was not the best idea."

I laughed lightly, "I promise that once you are better you can have all of the fun that you want."

"I would not promise all the fun that I want if I were you. I am the God of Mischief, remember? Satisfaction is not in my nature."

"Well then, I guess I shall simply have to look forward to trying to satisfy you," I replied, placing another kiss on his lips, biting his lip lightly as I pulled away to tease him. "Is there anything else that I can get you to ease any discomfort?"

"All I need is for you to stay by my- Kára, are you feeling well?" Loki asked in a panic as I swayed slightly, the effects of all of the magic I had used today catching up to me. I had managed to keep going in the moment due to desperation and adrenaline, but now I felt as though I had not slept for a week and it took all of my strength to keep from passing out.

"I-I am fine," I tried to assure him, slinking back into the chair that I had occupied for most of the day. "It has simply been a long day, that is all. I just need to rest my eyes for a bit."

"Kára, you have exerted too much strength today, I should have stopped you from using so much magic. The very least I can do now is offer you a bed to sleep in, you certainly need your rest."

I shook my head, "no, you are still recovering, you have more of a need for that bed than I do. I shall be fine, I am sure I did not do more than my body can handle."

"You are clearly fighting to stave off sleep right now, you need to rest and I will not permit you to sleep in that chair. This bed is certainly large enough for the two of us, now stop being stubborn and get some much needed sleep," Loki ordered, having a shocking semblance of authority for someone in such a weak state.

I was far too exhausted to continue arguing with him, nor was my drained brain able to fully consider the situation, so I took Loki up on his offer. I stumbled over to his bed, barely making it to the mattress before drifting off into a deep slumber.

(Loki's POV):
Kára laid down next to me, falling asleep instantly. I ran my fingers through her hair as I smiled down at her, realizing just how lucky I was to have the love of such an amazing woman. She had discovered a plot to kill me, found the cure to a deadly poison, and saved my life all within the course of the day. She had overworked herself, over-exerted her energy to save my life and I had to admit that I felt guilty for driving her to such lengths.

I knew that I did not deserve a woman like her, but I needed to make the most of it while I could. Careful not to wake her, although it was probably impossible to do that in her state, I pulled the sheets over her and tucked her in, placing a kiss upon her forehead. I then wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me as I closed my eyes to rest as well.

Although I was no longer feeling violently sick nor was convulsing, the poison had not worn off and I still felt dazed and feverish, not to mention utterly exhausted. However, I trusted Kára's potion to see me through until all traces of the poison were gone from my system. Now the only thing that I could do to feel better was to try to get some sleep. And with such a beautiful woman resting next to me, it did not seem like a terribly hard feat.

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