Chapter 29 - Protection

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(Kára's POV):
"I am sorry, Kára, I have failed," I heard Loki's voice in my mind, penetrating through my worried thoughts about where he was and what had transpired.

"Loki, what do you mean?" I asked frantically, but it was no use as the connection of our minds fizzled out. I kicked the foot of Loki's bed as I cried out, "damnit!"

I did not know what happened to Loki as a result of him failing, but I was sure that it was nothing good. And then there was the question of what would happen to me. Was I going to be sent back home, even after I pledged myself to the Prince? Did his position truly not protect me?

Knowing that I was not going to get answers staying cooped up in Loki's room, I slipped out into the hallways, trying to stay wary of any of the guards. If Loki had truly failed to convince Odin to let us stay together, I was sure that the guards would soon be ordered to escort me from the palace before I really had the chance to figure out what was going on.

I honestly did not know where I was going, deciding to roam aimlessly and hope that I would run into someone who could tell me what had transpired. At first I wanted to visit Frigga, but then I realized that I did not know where her chambers were. Nor did I have the luxury of asking a guard to escort me.

After a while of making my way briskly through the hallways, darting into various rooms at the sight of guards, I noticed Thor coming down the hallway towards me. I froze, wondering what I should do when confronted by him. I could hide as he could be on Odin's side and turn me into his father, but he was of a high enough status that he may know what exactly was going on.

Eventually I decided that I needed to get answers from him, regardless of the potential risk. I ran up to him, praying that I was making the correct decision, and asked, "Prince Thor, do you have any idea what is going on? What happened in Loki's meeting with the All-Father?"

"Lady Kára, I am terribly sorry, but I am afraid-" Thor cut off mid-sentence as he noticed a guard down the hallway. "But we must not talk here, come with me."

Against my better judgement, I took Thor's extended hand and essentially sprinted down the hallways with him. Well, he was at a light jog, but I was forced to sprint to keep up with his long legs. Soon he opened a door and shoved me inside, closing it behind the two of us, starting to make me suspicious that he was on Odin's side. However as I looked around, I realized that I did not end up in the throne room standing before the All-Father, but instead in what appeared to be Thor's bedchambers.

"Lady Kára, I think it wise that you perhaps sit down for this news," he warned me as he turned away from the door. I did as he requested, simply wanting him to explain what Odin had said. "I am afraid that my father was quite upset when he heard of yours and Loki's engagement, which I suppose I should congratulate you on despite the circumstances."

"Thank you, Thor, but although we were happy yesterday, I am starting to think that this is not something that we should be celebrating," I replied, nervously rubbing my thumb across my palm, scratching lightly at the skin, a nervous tick that I had unconsciously picked up from Loki.

"Yes, well, Odin was extremely angered by the engagement and decided that Loki should be sent to the dungeons to serve his sentence for attacking Midgard. Loki tried to persuade him otherwise, as did I, but it had no affect. As for you, you will need to be more careful as he ordered your expulsion from the palace and I am sure that the guards will be on the lookout for you."

"I cannot believe this," I shook my head, finally coming to rest it in my hands. "Loki told me that this engagement would protect my place at the palace, he assured me that everything was going to work out."

"Kára, was that the reason that you promised to marry him? So that you would not have to leave?" Thor questioned, seeming quite disgusted by the thought.

I sighed, "I suppose it was. But please, do not think that I do not love him, because I do, more than words themselves can express. But we hardly know one another, Thor. We only began to truly be in a romantic relationship the day that he was poisoned and before that, Loki opening up to me was very touch and go. I would have been more comfortable with a longer period of time to test our relationship, but in order to keep us together, I would gladly marry him."

Thor nodded, "it did seem that you did truly love my brother when you were caring for him after he had been poisoned, I apologize for doubting you. However, I do wish that you had truly wanted the engagement, I would think that that would make it easier to reverse Odin's sentence, if such a thing is possible. I am afraid that my words have had no impact on my father's decision, but my mother has always been able to reconsider what he has done. I would ask you to trust me once again so that I may bring you to her."

"Of course, honestly what is the worst that could happen now that I have already lost the man I love?" I gave him a defeated smile as I followed him back out into the hallways.

Thankfully the journey to Frigga's chambers was much shorter than the one to Thor's, mostly because all of the bedchambers were in the same vicinity. Thor knocked on the door, careful to use his huge body to shield me from view in case a guard happened to walk by. It did not take long for Frigga to answer the door, her eyes widening upon the sight of me and quickly ushering is inside.

"My dear, I must apologize to you," Frigga spoke as she quickly checked to make sure no one was watching from down the hall and locking the door as she closed it. "I never thought that my husband would ever do something so idiotic! However I can assure you that I will protect you at all costs. It was my decision to bring you here, which means that it is my decision whether you stay or leave."

"Thank you, Frigga, and I am terribly sorry to bother you with this," I apologized, hoping that she would not get in too much trouble with her husband for helping me.

"Nonsense, Kára, you need not apologize for Odin's prejudiced decisions," she assured me, somehow both calming me but also scaring me as I had never seen her angry before. "I must go have a word with my husband, but I would ask Thor to stay here with you and that you lock the door for protection."

"I will protect Lady Kára with my life, mother," Thor replied, shocking me with his determination. Frigga gave both of us reassuring hugs before rushing out of the room, leaving me confused as to what exactly had just happened.


(A/N): I apologize for not posting yesterday, I had this chapter ready but I was rather busy and didn't have a chance to proofread it!

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