Chapter 49 - The Battle

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(Kára's POV):
I created a forcefield, protecting the Avengers from the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, watching as the Hulk snapped his fingers. He threw the gauntlet off when he was finished and we all rushed over to make sure he was ok. His arm was badly burned from the amount of power he had just wielded, but other than that, he seemed alright.

"Guys, I think it worked," Scott spoke as he looked out the window of the Avengers compound.

My heart stopped as his words sunk in. We had done it, we had won. I closed my eyes, focusing my attention on breaking into Loki's mind, "Please tell me that you're alright, please tell me that you're alive."

"Kára? Where are you? What happened?" He replied and I could not stop the tears of relief from filling my eyes.

"It is a long story, I will have to fill you in once-" I cut off as I felt myself thrown backwards. I tried to break my fall with magic, but it didn't do much against the weight of the building that was falling on top of me.

"Kára! Kára!" I heard a panic voice calling out, a pain throbbing in the back of my head.

"Loki?" I spoke out loud as I tried to sit up, finding a piece of wall crushing my stomach. I pushed it off as I began to remember what had just happened. So that Loki would not worry, I responded, "I'm ok, Loki, but the compound just got attacked. I'm going to go investigate."

"Be careful, Kára, we will be there soon to help," Loki informed me as I turned my attention to the collapsed building around me.

I managed to move enough rubble around to make a hole to climb out of the collapsed building. The scene before me shocked me, making me wonder what the Hel had happened. Tony, Steve, and Thor were fighting Thanos, who clearly had the upper hand at the fight. I watched as they were beaten, Steve's shield breaking into nothing but large chunks.

I teleported down to help him and Thanos tilted his head as he looked at me in confusion, "do you really think you can win this fight?"

"Maybe I can't, but I can certainly try," I growled, creating a number of clones to help me with the fight.

He smiled at me with confidence, despite the magical ability that I was demonstrating. Behind him his army, which was quite the intimidating size, appeared behind him and I began to fear that I had gotten in over my head. Behind me, Steve pulled himself off of the ground, tightening his broken shield and joining me to stand against Thanos.

I turned to give him a nod, but noticed he was placing his hand on the communication device in his ear, a confused expression on his face. Before I could even ask what was going on, there was a sudden light shining from behind us. We watched as the light shone brighter and the circle grew. Silhouettes appeared in the light as the Wakandan royalty stepped through the portal.

"Loki," I whispered as I watched my husband run through, somehow knowing exactly which replica of me was actually me as he ran to give me a hug. "Loki, I cannot believe that you are actually here. I love you so much."

He smiled at me, "I love you, too. But, darling, if I ever see you going up against another army with only one injured soldier as backup, I may kill you myself."

"You don't think I can handle myself?" I asked him, pretending to be offended.

"No, I would just be massively disappointed that you did not leave anyone for me to kill."


I was thrown to the grown by a surge of energy pulsing across the field. Confused, I got up and looked across the battle to see what had happened, discovering that the quantum tunnel had been destroyed by Thanos. Carol was also thrown back by the blast, the gauntlet falling between Thanos and Tony. I held my breath as I watched Tony run to prevent Thanos from getting the gauntlet, too disoriented to get in between them.

However, Loki was able to act when I was not, running to grab the gauntlet. He went to put the gauntlet on, causing me to cry out, "Loki, stop! You won't be able to-"

He cut me off as the gauntlet tightened around his arm. I could see him struggling with the power that was suddenly surging through him. I continued running to his side, desperate to see if he was alright. He raised his fingers and snapped, causing the entire battlefield to hush. I could tell that many did not trust that Loki had actually done anything to help, still viewing him as the villain.

However while everyone waiting for the effects of the snap to occur, I was focused solely on the safety of my husband. I knelt down beside him, pulling the gauntlet off of his arm as I knew that it was burning him. Fighting back tears, I used my magic to try to heal his arm, all the while pleading under my breath that he was going to be ok.

"Kára, I am sorry," he spoke, watching me as he worked.

"You are going to have to do more than apologize, Loki. Why are you such an idiot?"

"In my defense, you knew that I was an idiot when you agreed to marry me," he gasped, clearly having trouble getting his words out.

His skin began to turn blue, although I did not know why the magic creating his Aesir form was disappearing. His breathing slowed and he went limp beneath me. I began to try to resuscitate him, refusing to believe that I was going to lose him. I brought my lips down to his, ignoring how his cold skin burned my lips.

"Come on, Loki, please start breathing," I muttered as I pressed down on his chest. Ash began to fall around me, but it did not make me feel any better. I did not care whether we won or lost, all that mattered was Loki's life.

Suddenly he sat up, desperately grasping for breath as his Jotun form faded away. I breathed a sigh of relief, pulling him into a hug so that I could hold him close to me. Once he seemed to slow his breathing enough, I brought my lips to his, a kiss that he met with a passionate fervor. All the while the ash of Thanos's army fell around us, like snow falling from the sky.

He pulled away and looked at me in concern, "Kára, your lips."

I shook my head, "I will be fine, they're just a little frost bitten."

Loki's face fell as he realized what had happened. He ran his fingers across my lips and stared, "I did this, I hurt you."

I rolled my eyes, "trust me, it hurts a lot less when I watched you die and then returned home only to have Eerika and Narfi do the same. I'm sure I can have this fixed in a few hours."


(A/N): I apologize for killing off Natasha, I really couldn't see any way around it. Also, have Loki snap was not meant to take away or disrespect Tony's snap in the movie, but as this is a Loki fic, it felt right having Loki be the one to bring them back. Only one more chapter left!

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