Chapter 31 - The Ball

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(Kára's POV):
"What do you think?" I asked Loki as I teleported into his room after Eydis had finished dressing me and fixing my hair.

"You look absolutely ravishing as always, my darling," he replied, sweeping me up in his arms and placing a kiss on my lips. "And seeing you adorn my colors, it is nearly too much for me to handle."

For the occasion, I was dressed in a flowing green dress that cascaded down onto the floor around me. The underskirts were an emerald green at the bottom and faded into lime green at the tops whereas the overskirts were the opposite. The sleeves were off the shoulder translucent gold angel sleeves, with the same material draped across my chest to meet at an emerald at the right of the neckline. Gold accents sprouted up from the neckline, the metal wrapping around my shoulders and neck. I wore a matching pair of gold and emerald earrings and as well as a bracelet that matched, wrapping around my right wrist and hand.

Unlike my normal updo, I allowed my blonde hair to flow freely down my back, adorned with a crown of pale flowers from the garden as the top of my hair met in a wide bun. There were a few strands of hair throughout that were braided with a gold thread weaved through, a large braid prominent in the middle. Atop of all of my hair was a gold band that ran across my forehead with an emerald centerpiece.

Loki was dressed in formal armor, dark green cloth with gold plates and a flowing emerald cape. Sitting on his bed was his gold horned helmet which he planned to wear atop his head. I could not help but admire how official he looked in his armor, he truly looked like the prince that he was.

"Well, you are going to have to deal with it," I cooed in his ear, placing a kiss below his earlobe. "I wanted to make sure that everyone at the ball knew that I was yours and yours alone and I must admit that I very much enjoy your colors."

"Not as much as I will enjoy removing them from your body once this vexatious ball is over with," he replied, peppering kisses along my jawbone.

"Loki, you better behave," I scolded, pulling away from him with a warning look in my eyes. "You know that Odin will be judging your behavior tonight to determine whether or not to imprison you and I do not think that Frigga will be able to get you out of it."

"We both know that Odin is going to lock me up regardless of what he sees tonight. My only complaint is that he will then send you back home and we will never see each other again, I do not think that I could live with that."

I smiled, "do not worry about me, Loki. Frigga has already assured me that, if you do get transferred to the dungeons, I will become one of her chambermaids and she will teach me how to visit you in prison. Now come on, we really should not be late for our own engagement celebration."

I carefully placed Loki's helmet atop his head and then placed my hand in the crook of his arm, allowing him to escort me out of the room. There were still guards assigned to flank us as we traveled to the reception hall, Odin fearing that Loki would take this time to escape to the countryside. But in reality, the guards did absolutely nothing, Loki could easily slip away if he wanted to, but we both decided that it was more trouble than it was worth to have him run away.

By the time that we arrived at the ball, it was already filled with people. Loki seemed surprised by the fact that so many had attended, especially since there were many in attendance who were leaving to calm disturbances in Vanaheim the following morning. However he justified the turnout by believing most of them were there for the food and dancing while the others were not going to deny an invitation from the All-Father.

"Loki, Kára, you two look absolutely divine tonight," Frigga smiled, giving us both hugs as we entered the room. At the sound of my name, I could not help but notice the decrease in volume throughout the room as well as the number of eyes that befell me, this being most people's first glance at me.

"Thank you, mother, though I do not suppose that it will matter much what we are wearing, the majority of the people here believe that I will kill them," Loki replied, his eyes scanning the hushed audience.

"Do not worry about that, Loki, simply show your father that that is not who you are. Surely you can play nice for just one night?"

Loki modded, "yes, mother, it may be a difficult task but I will certainly try to rise to the challenge."

"And Lady Kára, I do hope that you enjoy your first royal ball, with any luck it will not be your last," Frigga moved her attention onto me.

"Thank you, I will certainly try. Although I confess that my main concern tonight is making sure that Loki behaves himself," I replied with a smile, linking my arm back around Loki's.

"Well then I fear you truly will not have the chance to enjoy yourself," she teased in response, causing Loki to roll his eyes. "Now you must excuse me, but as Queen I am obligated to do more mingling than I truly desire."

Frigga disappeared into the crowd and I looked up to Loki to see what we were supposed to do next. He led me through the crowd, pointing out various people as we walked and I began to feel a bit overwhelmed with all of the information being thrown at me. I feared that I would not be cut out to be Loki's wife should Odin not send him to prison, how was I supposed to remember every single person's name and recite them as easily as Loki was doing?

"And these are the warriors three and Lady Sif," Loki introduces as we stopped before three men and a woman, all three legends that were revered out where I had used to live. But now they all looked upon me with a hint of distaste, besides the blonde one who seemed to be ogling me.

"It is truly an honor to meet you," I spoke, bowing my head. "Lady Sif, I have a sister who was inspired by you and has taken up the sword as well."

"Is she training to become a soldier?" Sif asked, probably more out of polite conversation than true curiosity.

"I am afraid not, she is not quite old enough yet and even when she is, I am not sure how well she will do. She trains at every possibility, but we cannot afford a teacher to help her fix her form or make sure she is training correctly," I confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed when I spoke about the money. "But I know she will be absolutely star struck when I tell her that I have actually met you."

"Well, we can certainly use more female blood in this sea of testosterone and once you marry Loki I am sure that you will be able to afford whatever you desire for your family," Sif replied, giving me the feeling that she wished the conversation to end so that she could get away from Loki.


(A/N): Do you think Odin will have a change of heart or not? In the meantime, enjoy this little ball I threw together because I didn't want a story set in such a beautiful realm without one!

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