Chapter 30 - Odin's Decision

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(Kára's POV):
Frigga left Thor and I alone in her bedchambers while I tried to sort out what exactly was happening. From the moment that Loki had apologized, I had done nothing but run around, get ushered into rooms, and received brief and hurried explanations of what was going on. Thor and Frigga seemed to be acting as though the guards were out to murder me instead of simply escort me from the palace and for some reason I could not connect to Loki's mind no matter how hard I tried.

"So Lady Kára, do you truly believe that Loki is becoming a better person?" Thor asked as we waited, seeming uncomfortable in the silence.

"Of course," I replied as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I truly think that he just needed someone who was always there for him to reach out to when he needed it, to match his own stubbornness, and refuse to let him act like a child. He is scared Thor, scared of not being loved, and he is trying to compensate for that by being impossible to love. I think that it gives him relief to know that he is the one rejecting others before others have the chance to reject him."

"I fought for him, Kára. When we were fighting on Stark Tower, I tried to get him to understand that I still loved him, but he would not listen, he scorned the idea of sentiment and chose to continue with his destruction. The only thing that can provide me with any sort of hope that the brother I had grown up with is still in there somewhere is the thought that his actions were not his own and the fact that you believe in him so strongly. I love my brother, I thought the world of him, but every time he tries to take over a planet or acts as though he cares not about anyone as long as he gets what he wants, I find myself losing faith that the Loki I used to know is still there."

I placed my hand on his arm, "he is still there, Thor, I know he is. He may betray you because of his own means, but he does care about you and Frigga, perhaps not so much Odin but that is completely understandable."

He cracked a smile, "you know, I used to think that Odin was the epitome of a great king, but now seeing how he is blinded by his feelings of betrayal aimed at Loki, I am starting to doubt that. Not to mention he seems to believe that all mortals are beneath us, which is the same mentality that I had once scolded Loki for having. There is this one mortal, she is incredibly smart and beautiful and I fear that I have developed feelings for her, but Odin refuses to let me pursue those feelings because she is only mortal. I am starting to think that perhaps he simply does not want his sons to find love."

"Can you tell me more about her? Your mortal, that is," I requested, figuring that Frigga would probably not return for a while. "I really must have something to take my mind off of everything that is going on right now."

Thor began to recount everything he could about this Jane Foster, starting with how they met until the last time they saw each other. He revealed that he checks in with Heimdall every night to make sure that she was well, surprising me with how much he cared about her despite not having actually seen her in years. He was even able to talk until Frigga walked into the room, presumably using magic to unlock the door.

I stood from my seat, anxious to hear of the news and received a smile from Frigga, "I have been successful, at least for the moment. You are safe here, Kára, and I have permission to release Loki from his cell, but this is only a trial. I have convinced Odin to give you two a chance, assuring him that once he sees how Loki acts when he is around you, he will understand why it would be wise not to forcefully pull you two apart. There will be a celebration held in two weeks time for your engagement and Odin will judge his behavior there to determine Loki's sentence. I fear that the future does not exactly bode well for the two of you, but at least it will give you a chance. I truly wish there was more that I could have done, but I am afraid my husband can be incredibly stubborn."

"You need not apologize, Frigga, you have done more than I could have ever wished for, thank you," I replied, tears welling up in my eyes.

She wrapped her arms around me, "I do have plenty to apologize for, but mainly for dragging you into this mess. Now I must go release Loki, I will bring him back here to see you."

(Loki's POV):
I tried to send messages to Kára's mind, but she either had mental shields up or the cell was impairing my ability to use magic. I desperately hoped that it was the latter as I could not bear the thought of Kára being so upset that I had failed her that she refused to let me speak. I could not help but wonder what she was doing at the moment, no doubt being escorted back to her home, even after I had promised her that I would do all that was within my power to secure her a permanent spot at the palace.

I sunk to the ground against the wall of my cell, watching as guards patrolled the dungeons as it was my only source of entertainment. It was strange how I felt more concerned about Kára and how she was doing than myself when I was the one who was sentenced to life in this tiny cell. Perhaps that would change as I descended further into boredom, but for the moment all of my thoughts rested on her.

"Comfortable?" I heard my mother's voice ask as she approached my cell, probably about an hour or so after I had been locked up.

"Mother, have you seen Kára?" I asked immediately, leaping to my feet. "Has she left yet? How did she take it, does she hate me?"

"Loki, please calm down, Kára is perfectly fine, she is hiding out in my bedchambers at the moment. But that does not matter, I have spoken to Odin and you are being released from prison and she will remain at the palace."

"At what cost?" I questioned, knowing that Odin would not have given in so easily.

"No cost, however you will be thrown a celebration for your engagement and it is there that Odin will judge whether or not you should be imprisoned or pardoned for your crimes."

"So it is not until then that I shall be locked up," I replied with a bitter smile, finding it unlikely that Odin would actually allow me to walk freely.

"Do not give up hope, Loki, perhaps he will change his mind. But for now, come and be reunited with your fiancée, I know that she is eagerly awaiting your return," Frigga smiled kindly as she deactivated the front wall of the cell and escorted me out of the dungeons.

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