Chapter 42 - The Brightest Star

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(Loki's POV):
I waited in the woods nervously for Kára's return. I was a fool to have not thought about her family, having forgotten that she actually cared for her siblings. Though I supposed that was because I was not as close to my own family and therefore was more than willing to leave them. However, Kára had people who cared about her so I could understand if she chose to remain with them rather than run off with me.

If I could, I would stay with her here in Asgard, but Heimdall would know immediately that something was up and then there was a chance that he would inform Odin of his suspicions and the universe would know that I was alive. That in turn would make Kára a target of Thanos and the Chitauri, something I was not going to allow to happen.

Therefore, if Kára decided that she would rather stay with her family, I would have to let her go for her own safety. I was willing to do anything to keep her from Thanos and perhaps the only foolproof way of doing that was to stay away from her. Now that I thought about it, perhaps I never should have come back. Perhaps I should have continued to let her believe that I was dead so that she could go on living in peace.

"I am sorry, Kára," I muttered beneath my breath as I turned from the clearing and began to walk back into the forest.

"You are sorry for what?" I heard her voice ask as she returned to my side. "For faking your death or making me leave my family or the fact that you were about to leave me without a word?"

I turned back to face her, feigning innocence, "for causing you pain, I wish there was a way that I could have told you I would be faking my death before the moment came. As for your family, the choice to leave them lies solely with you, I shall not try to sway you either way. And I certainly was not going to leave you, I was merely going to move over here."

She rolled her eyes, clearly not believing me, "regardless, I have chosen to come with you to Midgard."

"And your family?" I question, shocked that she was choosing me.

"I have told them that I cannot live here anymore, I cannot stay where I will constantly be plagued by the memory of you. However, I did promise that I would come visit them every now and then, so I will need to do that," she replied, slipping her hand in mine.

"Of course," I spoke, tears of disbelief shining in my eyes. I had never been chosen before and now the woman I loved was choosing me over her own family. "But Kára, are you sure you want to do this? Why would you leave your family for me?"

"Loki, I love you and despite everything, I promised to become your wife and I am not going to go back on that promise. My family has each other, but you have no one. I would love to come with you to Midgard," she smiled before leaning up to kiss me. Relief flooded over me and I melted into her touch, deepening the kiss as our tongues danced around each other. She suddenly pulled away and cast her gaze down at the ground, "but before we go, there is something that I need to tell you."

I tilted her chin up so that she was looking instead at me, "what is it, darling?"

"I-I found out today that I am pregnant," she confessed, looking at me a little sheepishly. "You are going to be a father, Loki."

I shook my head, not believing what I was hearing. She reached out as I staggered backwards, her eyes filled with concern, "Loki, are you alright? Loki?"

"I-I am fine," I lied, finally recovering enough to speak. "What am I saying, of course I am not fine! Kára, I cannot be a father! I-I- this is ridiculous, I know nothing of parenting! My biological father abandoned me and my adopted one lied to me my entire life, how am I supposed to know how to raise this child?"

"Loki, breathe, calm down," she tried to reassure me as she took my hands in hers. "Listen to me, you are going to be an amazing father, I have no doubt about it. You may not have the best role models, but you have Frigga and I will always be there to support you, I promise."

"Are you really going to have our child?"

She nodded, "I just found out today, only a few hours before Fandral told me that- well, you know. I thought that my child had lost their father, I cannot let that happen for real. Please, Loki, do not worry that you will not be good enough, because I know that you will be. Besides, you will have plenty of time to prepare for this child, I am not very far along."

"I love you, Kára, and I love our child," I replied, pulling her close to me. "And I hope you both are ready for an astounding number of mistakes."

She laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "I will count on it."

As I brought my lips to hers doubts began to flood through me once more. If Thanos was to discover that my death was faked, now I was not only putting Kára at risk but also our child. My brain was screaming at me to leave her to the safety of her family, but I did not have the strength to let them go.

"Would you like to go home?" I asked her as we broke apart, offering my arm as I picked up the bag she had packed to travel with.

"How are we going to get to Midgard without Heimdall knowing? Don't we have to use the bifrost?"

I grinned, "do you know why Thor went to me for help? Why he chose me out of everyone, even though he did not know if he could trust me?"

She looked up at me in confusion, "because he knew that you would be more than willing to commit treason?"

Her guess made me laugh as it was actually quite realistic. "I probably would have done it for that reason had it not actually been because I know many paths to other realms that are not the bifrost."

I kissed her cheek before teleporting us to outside the cave that would bring us directly to Midgard. She clung on to me as I led her deeper into the cave until we were surrounded by flashes of rainbow colored lights, a gust of wind brushing past us as we traveled across the galaxy. We arrived a minute later on a mountain side somewhere in the United States, but I did not let us stay long, teleporting us to where I had created a house that was isolated in the middle of the woods.

"Loki, this is absolutely beautiful," she gasped as the cabin came into view.

"Wait until you see the inside, darling," I whispered into her ear, a smile dancing on my lips.

While the cabin seemed ordinary from the outside, inside was a mansion. There were more rooms than we could possibly have need of and I could always add on if need be, most likely a million times better than wherever Stark was living nowadays. The house itself was shrouded in magic to keep us hidden from Heimdall and was far enough from the beaten path that no one would stumble upon us. It was the perfect location for someone hiding from Thanos.

After giving Kára a quick tour of the house, not going in depth as that would take hours, I led her up to the roof. She smiled as she took in the nature around us, "Loki, this is absolutely stunning, you have truly outdone yourself. And this view is simply breathtaking. I mean, look at these stars. These are nothing like the constellations I have grown so used to gazing at, perhaps their unfamiliarity makes then more beautiful."

"And yet no matter where we travel, no matter what the night sky looks like, you will always be the brightest star of them all," I spoke, watching her as she took everything in, turning when she heard me speak. Her eyes sparkled in the light of the moon, making me fall in love with her all over again.


(A/N): Woah, happiness? Is this actually happening? I mean characters in my stories can't actually be happy, can they?

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