Chapter 43 - Family Breakfast

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Four Years Later
(Kára's POV):
"Mama, it's pancake day!" Narfi cried out as he jumped onto the bed that Loki and I shared, waking me up.

I could hear Loki groan beside me, not wanting to be awake yet, but I sat up and gave Narfi a smile. He was almost four years old and I could not believe how fast time was going by. It seemed as though it were only yesterday that I held him for the first time and Loki had looked at us with only love in his eyes, all traces of fear melting away when he saw our beautiful son.

"You are correct, Narfi, why don't you go get your sisters and I will start cooking," I told him, before kissing his forehead and letting him run out of the room. "Wake up, Loki, I am going to need some help in the kitchen."

"How about we push breakfast back an hour?" He replied, keeping his eyes shut as he desperately tried to get more sleep.

I rolled my eyes, "no deal, it is time to drag yourself out of bed."

Loki gave no response so I grabbed my pillow and whacked him with it, causing him to cry out, "hey! What was that for?"

"I told you that it was time to get up and you did not listen to me," I stated simply, giving him a coy smile.

"And so you thought you reserved the right to abuse me? Well darling, I think I might just have to punish you for your actions," he smirked, rolling on top of my and peppering my face with kisses. A mischievous glint entered his eyes and I suddenly knew what was coming before his hands even made contact with my body. Despite my attempts to free myself, Loki managed to keep me pinned down as he began to tickle me.

"Loki, I-I'm sorry! P-please stop!" I cried out in between gasping for breath.

"Mm, I don't know if I wish to do that, darling, after all you did instigate this," he smirked, seeming pleased to see me squirming beneath him.

"I-I have to- I have to," I tried to get out, but my laughter kept cutting me off.

"You have to what? I didn't quite catch that."

"Breakfast," was all I replied with, knowing that it was pointless to try to say a full sentence.

"I think that food can wait," Loki replied, however he did finally stop tickling me, bringing his lips down upon mine.

As we broke apart I just glared at him, "I hate you."

He chuckled as he got off of me, "I love you, too. Now I think your son was demanding food? We should probably get on that before he tries out some of that new magic you have been teaching him."

"I thought you said that food could wait," I teased, climbing out of bed and throwing a robe over my nightgown.

"Food can, but I don't think the same is true for Narfi."

I left our bedchambers with Loki not far behind me and quickly went to the kitchen so that I could began cooking before our children got too antsy. We had made Saturdays our designated pancake day as it was the first day that I was off of work. So that we did not screw up the economy too horribly by creating fake money and stealing, I had taken a job as a waitress at a nearby restaurant, working five days a week. Loki had considered getting a job as well, but I managed to convince him to stay at home with the children, which was something that I knew he enjoyed doing.

Not long after we had Narfi, Loki and I decided to have another child and ended up with twin girls Eerika and Eira, who were now two years old. They were certainly a handful to deal with, especially since they had inherited their father's love of mischief, even at their young age. Therefore I was glad that Loki had agreed to stay home with them as opposed to having a clone babysit.

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